I couldn’t help it. I brought my good hand up in a salute. “Sir, yes, sir.”

Winston watched me for a beat before pulling me to him. He kissed me gently, as if

he feared I might break.

“I know this isn’t convenient but better safe than sorry, okay?” he muttered. “I’d hate for you to be in pain later just because we were too impatient.”

We waited for two hours until a doctor finally looked at my arm, declaring it perfectly fine.

“There are general practitioners for this,” he said sternly. “We deal with emergencies here.”

“It was all his idea,” I said at once, pointing at Winston, who’d come in with me. “No amount of persuasion worked.”

The good doctor glanced at Winston, shaking his head. I was dangling my feet, waggling my eyebrows at Winston, who didn’t even look ten percent guilty or ashamed. Then the doctor focused on me again.

“Wait until you have children. Bet he’ll be one of those dads driving to the hospital for a scratch.”

My cheeks heated up. Then my neck and ears. Winston was grinning from ear to ear.

“Nothing wrong with your arm. Go home and never let him bring you to the ER unless it’s a real emergency.”

“Will do. Thank you.”

My face was still hot as I hopped off the bed, heading out the corridor with Winston.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked him.


“For our date. You bossed me into going out to dinner with you today, and instead, you brought me to the ER. I still want that dinner though. And I’m starving, so wherever you take me better serve fast.”

“How about I make dinner for you?”

“Absolutely. Last time was delicious.”

“We can also pick up dessert on the way.”

“That sounds decadent. And I’m completely for it.”

Smiling, he brought his mouth down on mine. He’d held back during the last kiss, but now?

He kissed me as if he was one step from yanking my dress away.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Winston lived in a beautiful apartment overlooking the San Francisco bay. In the distance, I could even see the Golden Gate bridge.

I was looking around with a huge grin on my face. I loved being in his apartment. It was like having an inside view of who he really was, seeing this personal side to him.

“What’s going on in your mind?”

“Nothing,” I said a little too quickly. He immediately caught on that I wasn’t exactly truthful.

“That smile doesn’t look like nothing.” He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me to him, kissing one corner of my mouth, then the other before tracing the contour of my lower lip with his mouth, giving me just the tip of his tongue. It was enough to make heat curl through me.

The way this man could light up my body was incredible. It was as if he’d discovered the secret to what my body needed—something no one had done before.