
I shrugged, but Winston’s expression changed subtly. His eyes narrowed at the corners. He curled his mouth into a half smile.

“Why, were you thinking about our evening?”


He continued watching me intently. I pinched his chest. “Fine. Fine. You want to hear me say it? I was just too excited and happy to fall asleep.”

He swallowed, looking at me before cupping my face and kissing me so hard that my knees gave in. I gripped his shoulders for support, hanging on to him as I surrendered to his kiss.

I didn’t want to let go. Unfortunately, duty called. I knew that the longer I gave in, the more stressful my morning would be.

But how could I let go when all I wanted was to cling to this feeling for one more minute, or at least one more second?

When Winston intensified the kiss, walking me backward until he pinned me against a wall with his hips, I knew I had to pull myself together or I’d fall to this man’s charms, hook, line, and sinker.

I pushed him away playfully, then pointed a finger at him.

“Let’s set some rules for this morning. Yes to breakfast. No to kissing or any shenanigans of the sexy variety.”

Winston tilted his head. “I reject all these crazy ideas.”

“Winston. We’ll be late!”

He pinned me with that molten gaze, and I was sure that he was going to give me a knee-weakening kiss again, but to my surprise, he took a step back, leaving me space to move, though he wasn’t looking away from me.

Back in my room, I went through the motions at top speed. I usually needed at least an hour, but now I managed to be ready in twenty minutes while reciting my presentation at the same time.

I had to skip styling my hair, so I just pulled it into a low bun. It worked well with my crisp suit. I usually wore casual business attire at work, but this was different.

Suits went a long way in establishing a professional image.

I didn’t want to risk anyone not taking me seriously because of my age or the way I dressed.

Winston was already in the dining room when I entered it. We ate quickly, in silence, and I knew his mind was on the presentation too. No more innuendos or flirty lines.

I debated giving him one of those kisses that pushed away every thought, because I wanted to put him at ease, but at the same time, I knew we needed our head in the game.

That didn’t mean I couldn’t at least mentally plan ways to spoil him afterward though.

We took a cab to the building where we were meeting the board. The drive only took five minutes.

We stepped inside together and were shown to the right room by a very helpful receptionist.

Five others joined us in no time, three men and two women. We shook hands with everyone.

“Mr. Statham, I’m happy to see you again. Ms. Hensley, great to meet you in person,” one of them said. I’d emailed with him last week.

I drew in a deep breath, squaring my shoulders as I stretched out my hand.


I was the one who started the presentation, giving them the rundown of the rebranding purpose and targets. I’d given enough presentations by now to know that eye contact was crucial.

Even when their expressions were clearly unconvinced, I didn’t back down or allow myself to be intimidated. Showing doubt was a surefire way to undermine the credibility of the presentation.

“Thank you, Sienna,” Winston said after my last slide came on.