I looked up at him hopefully. There was no better way to spend an afternoon than surrounded by a bunch of Bennetts.

“Look at that smile. Think I stand a chance of saying anything except yes?”

“Good to know. I’ll add it to my list of emotional blackmail tactics.”

I’d thought Victoria was exaggerating when she meant half the clan was there, but she wasn’t. Yesterday’s group was here, plus Logan and Alice’s husband, Nate, and Blake’s wife, Clara. She was pregnant, and Blake was constantly doting on her. It was fascinating to watch Blake completely transform around his wife. They had a boy, Maddox—who was a mini-Blake—and they were expecting a girl.

The second I entered the living room, I glowered at Christopher.

“I’m on my best behavior today, I swear,” Christopher said.

Blake nodded quickly. “Me too. In fact, I’m on extra good behavior to make up for last night.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Blake, I’m having trouble believing you. You’re getting more intense every time I see you. Careful, you’re turning into Logan.”

Blake clutched his heart theatrically. “You wound me, Sienna.”

“Hey, I heard that,” Logan called from further inside the room. I grinned sheepishly but didn’t say anything else. I wasn’t wrong.

Sebastian was the levelheaded one, Logan the hotheaded. Christopher was close on his heels. Blake was laid-back about everything. Usually. I was learning that roles were not set in stone.

“It’s because we’re having a girl. His protective instincts are getting sharper,” Clara said.

That sounded like a solid explanation.

When Victoria asked me to help her bring some ice for the drinks, I seized the chance to question her.

“What’s with the impromptu get-together?”

Victoria blushed. My spidey-senses kicked in. What was going on?

“Um... so you know that we all had a little too much eggnog last night,” she began.


“And you know I’m usually not one to tell about other’s secrets.”

Um... that was debatable. Very debatable. But making that point now wouldn’t help my goal.

“Sister, spill it.”

“Well, Christopher and I spoke about Statham and the board. And he talked to the rest of the Bennetts, and they have an idea.”


A Bennett-wide conspiracy? I loved, loved, loved those.

“Sebastian will explain everything.”

I was looking at the gang with fresh eyes when I returned to the living room. Now that I thought about it, everyone was already here when we arrived. What was going on?

I wanted to wait for Sebastian to bring up the subject... and I resisted all of ten minutes, until we all sat at the dinner table.

“Sebastian, Victoria said you wanted to talk to Winston and me about the store.”

Victoria laughed. Sebastian looked between the two of us with a smile. Next to me, Winston sat straighter in his chair. I should have warned him, but it completely slipped my mind.

“Yes. Winston, we have heard that the banks won’t extend the grace period to solve the liquidity troubles and the board will close this store.”