“Hi! Sienna, can I speak with you? Alone?”

Alice sprang to her feet, along with Victoria, who turned to Sienna and asked, “Did you talk to him?”

“I didn’t. At least, I don’t remember talking to him.”

She frowned, checking her phone. “Oh, I did. I just don’t remember doing it.”

Pippa held up a hand, flashing a guilty smile. “It was me. I told him where we are.”

Sienna groaned, hiding her face in her hands. “But I’m not sober.”

“Details, details,” Pippa said, waving her hand. “Girls, how about we give them some space?”

Right. “Space” consisted of more or less ten feet, since the store wasn’t that large. I didn’t care. All I cared about was Sienna.

I stalked toward her. She took a step back and wobbled. I placed both hands on her arms, stroking her bare skin just where the sleeve ended. She licked her lips before looking down at the p

oint of skin-on-skin contact.

“We need to talk, drunk girl.”

“Hey! Don’t make fun of me. It’s their fault.” She pointed to the group of girls huddled on the armchairs.

“It is,” Pippa admitted loudly. I laughed. So much for privacy.

“I can’t talk here with everyone listening,” Sienna whispered.

“Outside, then. Let’s go.”

“Hey! You can’t come here all bossy and full of swagger.”

I tilted forward until my lips almost touched hers. Sliding one hand down, I pressed my fingers possessively on her waist.

She gave a small gasp, and her gaze dropped to my mouth.

“I’m this close to throwing you over my shoulder and taking you somewhere else... Outside. Now. Come on.”

“Hmpf.” Sienna crossed her arms over her chest, stalking past me. I followed closely. Pippa and Victoria gave me thumbs-up when I passed them.

Once we were outside, I realized that Sienna wasn’t her usual self. She was fanning her cheeks, drawing in deep breaths.

“Are you feeling sick?”

“No, just... drunk. They gave me eggnog, roast duck, and cupcakes.”

“You got drunk from roast duck and cupcakes?”

“No, but it made me drink more eggnog.”

“I see.” I couldn’t tone down my grin.

“Hey! Don’t mock me.”

“Or what?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Why didn’t you call me after the board meeting?” In a lower voice, she added, “Why didn’t you tell me about Paris?”

And just like that, the ease and playfulness were gone from her eyes and her voice. I wanted to do whatever it took to bring them back.