“I’m sure they’ll have an input. They have a lot of experience, after all.”

“I’ll think about it.”

I meant it. She’d changed my perspective on several things. After seeing them through her eyes, I thought about them differently. I was paying attention to things I hadn’t seen before. I’d been happy with the life

I’d envisioned before, but now that this lovely, adorable woman had come along, I couldn’t imagine my life without Sienna in it.

“What’s with that look?” she asked.

“Nothing.” My tone was teasing. She narrowed her eyes.

“I think there’s more to it, and I want to know.”

“Demanding today.”

“Learned from a certain bossy... boss.”

She straddled me, resting both hands on my chest.

“Warning you, if you don’t tell me, I’m going to use my extraordinary persuasion skills.”

“If that’s supposed to scare me, it’s not working.”

“That’s because I haven’t started yet.”

“You make me happy, Sienna. It’s as simple as that.”

I could see the emotion etched on her face. I wasn’t the only one who felt how deep this ran, how connected we were. She shimmied in my lap.

“See, the benefits of doing me. We can go straight from work to fun.”

I cupped her cheek, bringing her closer. “I’m not just doing you. I’m in love with you, Sienna. I love you. So much.”

She grinned, leaning into my touch, before shifting closer in my lap. “I’m head over heels for you. I didn’t know if I should say it, or if it was too soon.”

“What convinced you?”

“You completely won me over with the Christmas movie.”

“Love your priorities.”

I kissed her the next second, getting us both off the couch. I walked her backward through the room, gripping her hips tightly, skimming my mouth over her neck, so hungry for her that I barely held back from tearing that light fabric from her body. I couldn’t get enough of her to stop for a breather. I wanted to keep kissing, to keep touching. We came to a halt in the narrow, dark hallway. I pinned her against the wall, tracing the contour of her V-neckline with my mouth.

“Winston,” she whispered. Hearing her say my name in that low, uneven voice was doing unspeakable things to me. I did away with her dress the next second.

I traced my fingers between her breasts and further down in a straight line to her navel. I couldn’t see her but exploring her in the dark had its perks. My other senses were on alert. I felt the light tremor in her body, the way her breath hitched in anticipation of what I was going to do to her.

I dragged my thumb along the hem of her panties, feeling her contract the muscles in her belly. I slid my knee between her legs, nudging them apart. She opened the next second. I groaned when I felt her mouth on my neck. I hadn’t seen her lean forward, hadn’t anticipated this. I felt the touch of her tongue right along my cock. Damn, if she kept at this, I was going to take her right here in this hallway.

“Babe,” I whispered, but the rest of the sentence faded when she touched my erection. I kissed her, needing her mouth, her warmth, her love. I craved all of it.

“Winston, I know I’ve been a bit out of it tonight, but I promise I’ll be okay tomorrow.”

This entire evening, I’d seen a different side to Sienna. She’d been vulnerable and strong at the same time. I had no idea how that was possible, but I knew one thing for sure, and I wanted her to know it too.

“You were a little emotional, babe. That just shows how much you care. Never apologize for that. Never think you have to hide from me. I want the privilege of being next to you during these moments for the rest of our lives.”

“I love you so much, Winston.”