She blinked, holding her hand to my forehead. “Mr. Grinch, do you have a fever?”

“No, but I did have a few eggnogs. And I know the movie will lift your mood.”

She pressed her lips together before stepping back and wiggling her hips.

“What are you doing?”

“Small victory dance. Can’t believe I’m slowly luring you over to the dark side.”

“I have one request.”

“Nothing’s ever straightforward with you.”

“We have to watch naked.”

She wiggled her hips some more. “Sounds like a fair deal to me.”

I caught her by the waist, kissing her shoulder.

“Come on. Choose something to watch.”

“You’re trusting me blindly?”


“You might come to regret it.”

“Can’t be that bad.”

She ended up choosing a movie called The Holiday. I just held her in my arms, waiting for her to share with me what was weighing on her... or not. I understood if all she needed was quiet, just knowing that I was here for her.

“This feels so good,” she muttered when I closed my arms even tighter around her.

“I’m beginning to think my arms are your favorite pillow.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Your chest is my favorite pillow.”

“My bad. Of course, it is.”

She returned her focus on the TV.

“Do you know every scene?”

“Probably every line.” She was lying on top of me on the couch, squirming and shifting.

“You’re a full-body, comfy pillow.”


“Hey, it’s a compliment.”

“Comfy pillow? Really.”

“Muscly pillow any better?”

I cupped her head, attempting to pull her in to a kiss. She playfully shoved me away.

“Don’t make me miss Jude Law stumbling drunk into the cottage.”