
The weeks before Christmas were always mad at Casa Bennett. The preparations—ranging from food planning to buying presents—were so extensive, it was like every member of the family had a second job. What with my late evenings with Winston at the office, finalizing the rebrand campaign, I felt as if I had three jobs.

Everyone was pretending they were making such a huge fuss about Christmas for the kids, but the truth was, the adults were enjoying it just as much. This year, we were having the traditional Christmas dinner two weeks earlier because we’d be on different sides of the globe on Christmas Day itself. I’d be in London with my brother. The part of the clan that wasn’t coming to Aspen later on was leaving on a month-long trip to Australia next week.

I was usually on cloud nine before that dinner, but today I was fretting because Winston was joining me. I’d never had a boyfriend with me at Christmas dinner before. I squeezed Winston’s hand as we walked toward the house.

“Sienna, you’re quiet. What’s wrong?”

“You know the saying trial by fire?”


“Well, this will be trial by Bennetts.”

Winston laughed, pulling me into a half hug, resting his arm on my shoulders. Being this close to him always made me feel so safe and protected. And when he looked at me with those green eyes? I felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

“What exactly am I supposed to watch out for?”

“No clue. Just make sure you don’t let your guard down. The second you do, someone is bound to sniff you out and attack you.”

“Duly noted.”

When the door opened, I almost had a heart attack. My brother Lucas was here! Chloe was right behind him.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me you’d be here?”

“No one knew. Wanted to surprise you.”

I squeezed my brother so tightly in a hug that I almost suffocated him. After letting him go, I winked at Chloe. “You’re safe from my hugs today.”

Chloe grinned. “I’ll keep my distance, just in case.”

“I want to introduce you to someone. Lucas, Chloe, this is Winston, my boyfriend.”

My little sister smiled at Winston, and so did Lucas as they shook hands

. What was that look in my brother’s eyes? I couldn’t really decipher it.

“You look a bit skinny, Lucas,” I said.

He groaned. “You say that every time.”

“But it’s true.”

“Watch it, or no more hugs from me.”

“Ha! As if I need your permission for that.”

God, I hoped Lucas would choose to go to college here. I didn’t voice that thought though. Didn’t think it was fair to put that pressure on him. Everyone had their own path, and I respected that. I just hoped his path would lead him back to San Francisco sooner rather than later.

And I hoped Chloe’s path wouldn’t lead her somewhere else... or at least not for a very long time.

“How long are you staying?”

“Just over the weekend.”

“You flew ten hours for two days?” I pouted.