Once the bartender had our drinks ready, each of us took two glasses and we returned to our ladies.

Sienna and Mom were chatting with their heads together, pointing between the leaflet and the various paintings around the room. Dad and I exchanged a glance, chuckling.

We were in for a repeat. I could feel this becoming a thing: attending an event our ladies wanted, Dad and I banding together. And hell if I didn’t like the prospect of that.

I didn’t resist staying away from her, though. As soon as she was alone, I went to her side, walking around with her.

“This is amazing,” Sienna exclaimed.

“Glad you like it.”

“Well, it’s—wait a second.” She stopped in her tracks, scrutinizing me. I had no idea what she was looking for, but I schooled my expression in any case.

“What’s with the semi scowl? You don’t like this, do you?”

Well, hell. Dad had managed to disguise his lack of enthusiasm for thirty years, and I hadn’t even managed to make it through one evening without Sienna catching on.

“Not my scene, no.”

She pouted. “Why did you say yes, then?”

I laced an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into me. I simply needed to feel her next to me as often as possible.

“Because you were excited about it.”

Sienna lifted herself on her toes, kissing my cheek.

“I promise I’ll make up for it later. In spades.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I’ll show you when we’re alone.”

I brought my mouth to her cheek, feathering it along her skin until I reached her ear.

“How about giving me a taste right now?”

She playfully pushed me away, pointing a finger at me.

“Winston, you’re becoming more shameless by the day.”

“Only because I want you so much.”

“So it’s my fault?”


I grinned. She returned it. We passed an empty conference room, and I saw my chance. I moved us inside it before Sienna even realized what was going on.

“What are you doing?” she admonished in a whisper.

“Giving you ideas.”

“What for?”

“How to make it up to me later.”

She laughed, shimmying a little. “That’s cheating, don’t you think?”