“You thought I was sleeping, and you did it anyway. It totally counts.”

I licked my lips. “So, what’s the lesson?”

I didn’t realize what he was up to until he went directly for my armpits. I shrieked with laughter, unable to defend myself. He only stopped torturing me when I was completely out of breath.

He laughed wholeheartedly. “How is your head?”

This right here was an excellent opportunity for some blackmail.

“If I pretend I’m hungover, will you take care of me?”

“I’ll take care of you anyway.”

He kissed my forehead. His words warmed me all over.

“And how?” I murmured, loving the feeling of his lips on my forehead, his hand cupping the side of my face.

I had no idea how he made me feel so many things at the same time, but I couldn’t do anything else except bask in it.

“First step. Breakfast.”

“Now that you mention it, I’m hungry.”

“Stay here. I’ll be back quickly.”

“In bed? You’re pampering me.”

“My pleasure.”

He kissed my stomach before getting out of bed. I admired his holy hotness for all of two seconds before deciding I wouldn’t miss the sight of him walking around naked.

But when I attempted to climb out of bed, he cocked a brow.

“So staying in bed was a demand.”

“You bet it was. You should at least hydrate before getting out. I’ll bring you water.”

That was just too adorable. I was tempted to stay in bed just so he could dote on me. But... I was more tempted to spy on him naked around the apartment.

“I’m fine, Winston.”

He glowered. I laughed. He glowered some more.

“Besides, you can hydrate me all you want while we’re in the kitchen. You hydrate me. I spy on you naked. Win-win.”

“Fine, but any signs of a headache, and you come back to bed.”

“Aye, captain.”

I’d downplayed the reason I wanted to be near him. I wanted to gauge his mood, check how he was really doing after yesterday’s events.

I kept a close eye on him during breakfast. We devoured pancakes with maple syrup. I also had coffee and plenty of water under his watchful gaze.

Once we were done, I rose from my seat and walked over to him. He was sitting far enough from the table that I could comfortably climb in his lap.

I’d given Winston shit when he’d insisted we throw on some clothes, but now I could see the benefits. Less distraction, even though the fabric of his shirt stretched so thin over his chest that I could practically map out every muscle.

“Now, bossy man, I want you to tell me the truth. How are you holding up with the store’s troubles?”