Before I could say anything, the door of the store opened and Pippa poked her head out.

“Not to intrude on your privacy or anything, but just thought I’d warn you. A bunch of Bennetts are joining us soon. Sebastian, Blake, and Christopher are on their way.”

Sienna turned on her heels. “Crap. You went ahead with the plan to prank them?”

“No, no,” Pippa said quickly, opening the door wider. The rest of the group was right behind her. “I didn’t text them.”

“I did,” Victoria said.

Pippa groaned. “But now they’re going to grill Winston. At least these two are done talking.”

“How do you know?” Sienna asked through squinted eyes. Pippa lowered her eyes to her hands.

“There was a make-up kiss.”

“You spied on us.”

I laughed, watching everything play out.

“I... uhh... well, we could see everything through the window. I didn’t eavesdrop, though. The door was closed.”

“And you haven’t mastered the art of lipreading,” Sienna said with a smile.

“Yet.” Pippa winked before turning her attention to the street, where a car pulled up. Sebastian, Blake, and Christopher got out of it.

“Victoria, why do they look like they’re on a mission?” Pippa asked.

“I... err, might have told Christopher that Sienna was feeling down... and also why,” Victoria confessed.

Sienna rubbed her palms over her face. “Okay. Okay. We need a plan. No way do I want them going into overprotective mode.”

“Babe, it’s all good,” I said. To my astonishment, she laughed. Her lack of faith was insulting.

“Pippa, any chance you can distract them?”

Pippa’s shoulders sagged. “I know my strengths. Deterring my brothers when they’re on a mission is impossible.”

The guys joined us the next second.

“What are you doing here?” Pippa asked them.

“I’m only here because Christopher insisted, and Blake sided with him. I didn’t stand a chance,” Sebastian said.

Christopher focused on me. “You have some explaining to do.”

Blake nodded. “That’s right.”

“Sienna and I are working everything out,” I explained.

“Everything Bennett-related is everyone’s business,” Christopher said.

I was starting to realize that and was barely biting back a laugh. “We’re good,” I said.

“They are! I saw them make-up kiss and all,” Pippa said.

“Oh,” Blake said. “I’d like to promise I won’t jump the gun again, but I don’t like to make promises I can’t keep. I’m a hothead. But I own up to my flaws. Plus, I have to protect my favorite people.”

Christopher stared at him. “You usually give me shit when I say that.”