“What’s wrong?” I asked at once.

“I’ve just received an email from the board, and I haven’t been able to reach Winston. Since you’re closest to him, I thought maybe you could give me some insight as to how to deal with the news.”

“Okay. What did the board’s email say?”

My heart and stomach constricted almost to the point of pain.

“The store will be shut down. Everyone still has a workplace for the next three months, and everyone will get a severance package. Size will depend on how long they’ve worked here.”

I clasped my hands together, drawing in a deep breath.

“I’m not sure if Winston will be back. The board mentions that one of them will oversee the closing process and that they’ll try to find work placements for as many employees as possible within the chain, if they’re willing to relocate. And at the end of the email it also says that Winston will be in charge of the European stores from now on... and that he’ll do that out of Paris. It doesn’t say when he’s leaving, and I can’t reach him. What did Winston tell you?”

Nothing. I was too stunned to reply. In fact, I could barely focus on my thoughts.

“Let’s wait for Winston to call,” I said, finally.

“Okay. Will do.” She sighed, looking around the room. “I’ll be so sorry to leave this place.”

Shaking her head, she left the office. The initial shock started to wear off the second I was alone. A low pressure built in my chest. I swallowed hard, attempting to focus on the spreadsheet I’d been working on. I refused to jump to conclusions. I’d just wait for Winston to call and explain what had happened.

I managed to hang on to that thought for all of ten minutes, after which I asked Angela to forward me the email from the board. Midway through it, I realized it had been a mistake to read it. Seeing the words in black and white made everything ten times worse.

My chest was so heavy that I could barely draw in deep breaths.

I minimized the window with the email, staring at my desk and trying to rein in my thoughts, to not let my fears get the better of me.

It wasn’t working.

My body was heavy, as if I was tied to the chair. I couldn’t even get up to walk off the tension building inside me.

Why hadn’t Winston told me any of this? He’d always

said he had a backup plan, but never mentioned that it required him moving away. And yet, the board had included it in the newsletter as if it was agreed upon and set in stone. He’d never mentioned any details. Was it because he hadn’t seen a future together for us? That couldn’t be.

The way he held me, loved me... the way he spoke to me was always so heartfelt. Just thinking about us, our conversations, our snuggles and sexy shenanigans made me smile. My whole body felt lighter, warmer, overpowering the sense of foreboding for a few seconds.

And yet, that damn email was weighing on me, rooting me to the spot. I just had to stop thinking about it and push it as far to the back of my mind as possible.

I pressed a palm to my forehead, forcing myself to think about something else.

Oh, yes! I was supposed to go pick up the bags Pippa had ordered for her daughters today. I’d ordered a similar one for Chloe. I shimmied in my seat imagining the happiness on their faces when they’d see the bags.

That’s right. I would focus on my family. Reaching for my phone, I dialed Victoria’s number. We were meeting today so I could give her the bag for Chloe, but we hadn’t yet decided on the place.

“Hi! Done with work already?” Victoria said in greeting.

“Yes. Decided where you want to go?” I asked.

“What are you in the mood for?”

“No clue.”

“Put her on loudspeaker,” Pippa’s voice sounded in the background.

“Where are you?” I asked.

“Pippa and I went to pick up some furniture. Wait, I’m switching you to loudspeaker.”