“Calista Valieri.”

“That’s lovely. So you’ll be Kyrie Valieri. What will be your reason for looking for him?”

“I’ll say that I was thinking of buying some investment property in Nice. I heard that Monsieur Guion Norville might be able to help me. But I couldn’t reach him on the phone and discovered he’d moved his place of business. That’s when I found the name Philippe Norville in the directory.

“Since the Norville name was prominent, I wondered if he was a relative who knew where I could find Monsieur Norville’s new place of business. I thought I’d make inquiries before seeking out another Realtor.” He cocked his head. “How does that sound to you?”

“I think it could work, but it’s still taking a risk because you’re trying to spare Norville and yourself any hint of scandal. Andreas...what if I made the inquiry while you stayed in the limo?

“I’d say what you would have said, but I’d explain that I was looking for a time-share for me and some friends from California when we come on vacation to the Riviera. I’d tell him someone at the hotel told me Monsieur Norville handled that sort of business. Was there a number where I could reach him?”

Zoe was phenomenal, but he shook his head. “I can’t allow you to get any more involved in my problem.”

“I’ve come this far. He would never associate me with you. It’s worth a try and you won’t have to lie.”

The light in her eyes had him mesmerized. “I’ll never be able to repay you.”

“You know that’s not what I’m after. I’m pretending that I’m in search of finding my own father. Since I can’t do that, let me help you. It will mean a lot to me.”

Those particular words got to him like nothing else could have done. Andreas pulled her into his arms and clung to her until the limo slowed to a stop in the parking lot of the dealership. He kissed her thoroughly, holding her tight. “I still can’t let you do this.”

“Don’t you know I want to? We have to do whatever it takes. If he’s there, this should go quickly.” With another kiss, she slid over to the door and got out.


“It’s going to be all right. Trust me.”

He realized he had to. “I’ll be right here,” he assured her.

With a pounding heart, Andreas, along with the men milling around the dealership, watched the stunning dark blonde woman disappear inside the main doors. Though Zoe was a modern-day woman, she was a warrior and he was in awe of her.


THE SECOND ZOE walked inside, an attractive salesman dressed in a light blue suit with brown hair and eyes came right up to her. “Puis-je vous aider, mademoiselle?”

“Do you speak English?”

“Ah. Americaine.” He smiled. “I’ll do my best.”

He had that French charm, reminding her a little of Raoul Decorvet. His best English was pretty good, too. “Would it be possible to see Monsieur Philippe Norwood, the owner?”

The man acted surprised. “You know him?”

“No, but I’m hoping he can help me.”

“He went to lunch, but should return any minute. Maybe there’s something I can do for you while you’re waiting. I’ll be happy to show you our latest models.”

“Thank you, but I’d prefer to speak to him.”

“Bien sur. I’ll walk back to his office. He might be here already. May I give him your name?”

“Yes. It’s Zoe Perkins.”

“Please take a seat over here.” He handed her a brochure. “I’ll be right back.”

She sat down, knowing Andreas had to be in his own private agony while he waited for her. Zoe looked around. Other salesmen were helping customers. This dealership obviously did well. She was impressed with the man who’d greeted her. He had a professionalism and wasn’t pushy. If she’d wanted to buy a car, she wouldn’t have minded his help.

“Mademoiselle Perkins?” She lifted her head. “Please come with me. Monsieur Norville has returned and will see you now.”