Zoe lay back against the pillow, excited for morning to come. At seven she awakened and hurried to wash her hair and get ready in a new skirt and top she’d bought recently.

When she walked outside, Andreas was there dressed in sport clothes, looking like her idea of a Greek god. His black eyes traveled over her.

“It’s good to see you again,” he told her.

“I’m happy to see you, too. I wasn’t sure I’d be back again and will have to tell you what happened. But first I want to hear about Ari.”

He helped her in his car and they left the city, traveling northwest. Zoe found herself enchanted by the city of Ioannina, spread out around Lake Pamvotida. The wealthy, aristocratic city, two hours northwest of Patras, included the cultures of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The variety of its shops and food depicted the traditions.

After spending part of the day in the library where she did research, Andreas took her to a traditional coffeehouse where they were served sugar pie and an alcohol-free liqueur. He explained it was a mixture of organic vinegar, nectar, fruit syrups and herbs, drunk with crushed ice.

“It tastes like it must have alcohol in it. I love this drink. I wonder if Lord Byron drank it, but so far I haven’t come across it in my research.”

Andreas chuckled. “You have no idea how much fun you are to be with. Why is Ioannina so important to your research?”

“Byron wrote part of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage here.”

“I’ve read some of it. His wish for man to be free touches me most.”

She took a deep breath. “He said the most profound things. When I read his writings, I feel like I’m in touch with the divine. This is the essence of what Magda hopes will be conveyed by her film.”

“How can she fail with someone like you supplying the inspiration?”

The tone in his voice found its way into her heart. “You’re nice to listen to me. What can I do for you?”

“Let’s talk a walk along the lake back to our hotel. Later we’ll get dinner.”

He’d found them a small, adorable hideaway at the water’s edge she’d loved on sight. Zoe had never experienced a day like this before. Since meeting him in such an unorthodox way, she was discovering Greece all over again through the eyes of a native son.

Zoe couldn’t help but be sorry for the breakup of his marriage. He hadn’t offered an explanation and she didn’t want one. All she knew was that he was an exceptional man and she felt lucky to know him. But even as she thought it, the memory of her bad marriage crept into her mind. She’d fallen for Nate too fast, too. She shook off the thought.

“Tell me about Ari. Was he thrilled to see you?”

A sweet smile broke out on his handsome features when he thought of his son. “He loves to play so hard, he wore me out.”

“I’m sure it’s painful to leave him.”

“You can’t imagine.”

“But you only have to wait two more days until you see him again. We’ve already gotten you through today.” He chuckled. “Why don’t we buy some souvlaki at a kiosk along here and eat it on the terrace of the hotel. I don’t want

to go inside until we have to. The temperature here is heavenly.”

His gaze played over her. “You’re reading my mind.”

After he bought their food, they reached the hotel and sat down at a table to watch the sun go down. Another couple had come out on the patio involved in each other. The lovers couldn’t have found a more romantic place.

Glancing at them, an ache started up in Zoe’s heart. What would it be like to come here with the man you loved? One who loved you? A man like Andreas...

The second the thought came into her mind, she realized she’d made a mistake to let him drive her here. Of course there was no question of their getting involved romantically. They were simply acquaintances who’d met under unusual circumstances, but she’d be crazy to spend any more time with him.

He’d barely separated from his wife and clearly longed for his son. It was already June. She’d be going back to California soon. The old adage about ships passing in the night couldn’t have been more apropos.

All these months she’d been in Greece doing her job, not needing anyone, least of all a man. The taxi accident had brought them together, but for this to go on was ridiculous.

Already he was coloring her world in ways she didn’t want. She needed to stop this foolishness before she got too used to his being with her. Thank goodness he couldn’t afford to stay away from his work any longer.

“Andreas? That tasted good, but now I need to go in and write up some notes before I get too tired. I hope you don’t mind if I turn in.”