When the priest made the sign of the cross, Andreas took her in his arms. “You’re my wife now, Kyria Gavras. I love you.” With those words he kissed her. His fervency made her feel cherished. She’d never known a feeling like it.

He kept his arm around her waist and walked her out to the foyer, where the four of them hugged. Once outside the driver was there to take more pictures. More people had gathered round and clapped for them. It was very sweet.

“They don’t even know us,” she murmured to Andreas. He flashed her a smile to die for.

“This is a happy place and a lot of weddings are performed here. It will bring us luck.”

“I don’t need luck. I have you. I adore you, Andreas.”

His eyes blazed with desire before they returned to the hotel. Once there, they enjoyed a wedding feast specially prepared for the present and former CEOs of Gavras House hotels. No luxury was spared to make it a day to remember all her life. But Zoe was too excited to be alone with Andreas to eat very much.

He noticed and whispered in her ear, “It’s time.” Andreas got to his feet. “My bride is tired. We’re going to our room, and we’ll see you tomorrow before we fly off on honeymoon.”

Zoe stood up. “Thank you for making this day so perfect.”

Andreas gave them each a kiss before ushering her out of the dining room and out in the hall to the elevator. She didn’t know who was in a bigger hurry to reach the bridal suite. It felt like Zoe had been in love with him forever.

When they reached their suite, she removed the garland and put it on a table with her flowers. Andreas took off his suit jacket and undid his tie. Next came his shirt. He tossed both on a chair. Little by little they left a trail, with the wedding dress being the last big item to be put aside before he carried her into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. The covers had been turned down.

She heard an unmistakable sigh escape his lips before he covered her with his body and a new world opened up to her of loving and being loved like she could never have imagined. The pleasure they brought each other was indescribable.

They’d needed to be like this for so long, but the waiting had enhanced what they were sharing now. The freedom to show Andreas how much she loved him brought ecstasy. Near two in the morning he rolled her on top of him, covering her face and neck with kisses. He made her feel immortal.

“I hope we’ve already gotten pregnant,” she murmured against his lips. “One toddler isn’t enough for us.”

“I’ve been doing my best, agape mou.”

Zoe knew it meant darling. “If I conceive right away, our son or daughter will have a big brother. It’s so fantastic to think about.”

“Have I told you how delightful you are? How madly in love I am with you?”

“I can’t hear it enough. Keep loving me, Andreas, and never stop. You’re my whole world.”

“Luckily for us we’ve got the rest of our lives to do this over and over again.” So saying, he devoured her mouth, bringing rapture to her again. They made love again and finally fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Zoe awakened after the sun’s rays came through the slats of the shutters. Andreas lay beside her, looking at her. He needed a shave and had never looked so dangerous.

“You’re so beautiful, I could look at you all day and night. Your skin is like silk. If I have one concern, it’s that you’re going to grow bored of me now that you’ve given up teaching.”

“Maybe not,” she said, kissing him passionately.

He raised up on one elbow. “What do you mean?”

“Do you remember the time you asked me why I’d gone over to the University of Patras?”

“Yes.” He traced the line of her mouth with his finger. “You said you’d decided to talk to a professor about your research.”

“I lied.”

One corner of his compelling mouth lifted. “I’m intrigued.”

“The dean of the humanities department offered me a temporary job to teach a section on Lord Byron this fall in their theater department.”

“My brilliant wife.”

“But you know why I turned it down. Maybe if I call him and tell him my circumstances have changed, he’ll still allow it to happen.”

“I have no doubt of it.” He rubbed her arm as a prelude to making love. “I fell so hard for you from day one, I was afraid I would scare you off.”