“I’d consider it another dream come true to make our vows in that exquisite church in Santorini. The one with the blue dome and dazzling white walls. To me that’s the closest place to heaven.”

“Now I know we’re meant to be together,” he said in a shaken voice, twining his fingers with hers. “When I was eighteen, I worked on getting a hotel built there and visited the church you’re talking about. It had a beauty I’d never seen anywhere else. A wedding was going on at the time and I decided I’d like to be married there one day.”

She swallowed hard. “Are you serious?”

“I couldn’t make it up.”

“I know that. I’m just sitting here trying to take this all in, but I’m afraid it’s not real.”

“I promise you it is. Do you think your friends will be able to come? What about your adoptive parents and siblings? Would you like me to fly them over?”

“If we’re getting married in a week, I doubt any of them could come.”

“Then why don’t we have our own private ceremony, and in a month we’ll invite everyone to a reception at the villa. All the people we care about.”

“That would be so amazing I can’t comprehend it.”

“We’ll do it. Besides all my extended family, I have a few close friends through business I’ll invite. You haven’t met any of them yet.”

“That’s not surprising. You’ve been too busy putting your life together under the most painful circumstances.”

In a few minutes he pulled up in front of the villa. He grabbed her bags and they went inside. This time as she crossed over the threshold, she realized this was going to be her home forever and she was going to be Kyria Gavras.

The housekeeper heard them come in. She and Ari walked into the foyer. Ari took one look at them and came running while he babbled their names. This adorable child was going to be her son. Forget the stepson business. When he was in her care, that’s the way she would feel about him.

Zoe kissed him before Andreas swept him in his arms. “Zoe? Meet Gaia Salas. Gaia, I’d like to introduce you to Kyria Zoe Perkins from Los Angeles, California. Zoe? Gaia has been my housekeeper for years and I trust her with my life. I want her to be the first to know you have agreed to be my wife. We’re getting married in a week.”

The older woman put two hands to her mouth. “So soon?”

“It’s not soon enough for me.”

A broad smile broke out on her lovely Grecian face. “It’s time you were happy again. I’m so happy to meet you, kyria.” She spoke amazingly good English. That made Zoe happy.

“I feel the same way. Do you have family?”

“A husband and two children, both married.”

“How about grandchildren?”

“Four. All are older than Ari.”

“How wonderful. Do they live here in Patras?”


“I’d love to meet them one day.”

“Thank you.”

“Her family is always welcome here,” Andreas explained. “Has Ari had his nap?”

“No. I was just going to put him down.”

“If you’ll do that, Zoe and I are going to be alone for a while.”

“Desma will be here soon to start dinner. I’ll help.”

“Thank you, Gaia.”