His black eyes flashed fire before he put his hands on her shoulders. “I understand a lot more than you think I do. Lia has tried to get in my head, but instead she has gotten in yours. I’m too thankful you’re going to Nice with me to fight that right now.”

Before she could take a breath, his head descended and his mouth devoured hers until she was weaving in his arms. She let out a protesting moan when he lifted his lips from hers. “I love you, Zoe, and I’ll keep repeating it until you feel it in the very depths of your DNA.”

He left the flat so fast, she clung to the nearest chair so she wouldn’t collapse. Andreas, her heart cried.

* * *

Once in the car, Andreas headed straight for his office. If he hadn’t left Zoe’s flat when he did, no telling if he would ever leave. Much as he’d wanted to take her home with him, she wouldn’t have been comfortable. Her guilt was too great for having been named as part of the reason Lia was being vindictive.

The judge couldn’t make a definitive ruling soon enough for Andreas. He was counting the hours. After he reached the office, he placed another call to Gus and had to leave a message. While he waited for a response, he dug into the paperwork piled up on his desk requiring signatures.

The Gavras House Hotel board of directors meeting was scheduled for Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Today was Tuesday. That gave him tomorrow to find Guion Norville and talk to him.

He made a call to his grandparents to check on them. They wanted to see Ari. Andreas told them he was working on redoing his visitation. It wouldn’t be long before his son was spending a whole week at a time with him in Patras. Then he let his grandfather know about the board meeting. The second they hung up, Gus phoned him.


“Thanks for getting back to me tonight, Gus. I’m leaving for Nice at six in the morning. Is there anything else you’ve learned?”

“I just found out he has a cousin living in Nice, Philippe Norville, who owns a Peugeot dealership. If all else fails, you might try him.”

Andreas wrote down the address. “You’ve been a great help, Gus. I’m putting a check in the mail to you tonight.”

“Thank you. Let me know if you make contact with Norville.”

“I will.”

After they hung up, he phoned Yorgos to let him know he was headed for Nice in the morning. “Once I’ve made contact with Guion Norville, I’ll call to let you know the situation. If he has an attorney, I’ll give him your information.”

“Good luck, Andreas.”

He rang off and headed for his villa. Zoe had agreed to go with him tomorrow. She’d become necessary to his existence. With her he knew he could handle anything that came along in life.

But the more he thought about it, the more he wondered if she had deeper feelings for him than she’d been letting on. She still hadn’t said the words he was desperate to hear. If she only understood how deep his love was for her.

* * *

After the two-hour flight, the Gavras jet landed in Nice at 9:00 a.m. under semicloudy skies. Andreas helped Zoe down the steps to the limo waiting for them and gave the driver instructions where to go.

“There’s a real change in temperature from Patras,” Zoe remarked as Andreas slid in next to her and grasped her hand. She’d worn a summery café au lait suit with short sleeves and a white blouse. He loved her dress sense. She looked breathtaking in anything, and the strawberry fragrance from her hair brought his senses alive.

“It’s seventy-five degrees this morning, but it’ll warm up a little.” He studied her profile. “Are you all right? You’ve been quieter than usual.”

Zoe turned to him. “I was going to ask you the same question. I bet you didn’t get any sleep last night.”

“You’re wrong.” He kissed her beautiful mouth. “Knowing you would be with me today helped me get my first sound sleep in a long time.”

She squeezed his hand tighter. “I admire your strength, Andreas...and your goodness,” she whispered.

“What do you mean?”

“I know I’ve said this before, but not everyone would be prepared to make this sacrifice.” He heard a tremor in her voice. “Instead of hiding behind a secret for the rest of your life, you’re prepared to do anything for your son.” Tears welled in those glorious blue eyes. “He’s so blessed to have a father like you.”

Andreas’s throat swelled with emotion. “That’s how I’ve felt since you came into my life. Your incredible story helped me understand that Guion Norville has to know the truth.

“In the beginning I was struggling with the thought of telling him because I couldn’t bear the thought of losing Ari. But after meeting you and our talks, I knew I had to be fair to Guion. One day Ari will have to be told, too. Without you, I don’t believe I would ever have seen things as clearly. I’m the one who’s thankful.”

The limo took them alongside the Promenade des Anglais lined with varieties of