“The dolphins love the sun, too. If you’ll notice, their beaks are short. They’re the common dolphins. We might see some striped ones later.”

For a half hour they watched at least six of them cavorting. Zoe made excited noises and used her cell phone to take pictures. When the activity stopped, she sat down next to him on the banquette and handed him the binoculars. “That was spectacular. Thank you. I never expected to see a sight like that.”

“You can see it most days if you catch them at the right time.”

“Especially if you’re out in a boat like this with a skipper who knows where to look.”

He chuckled. “I’ll take us for a ride. We might spot more. Since you expressed a desire to see the sea salt plant, I’ll head farther along the coast and show you where it’s located.” He walked over to the bridge and raised the anchor. “Later we’ll come back and swim. How does that sound?”

“What do you think?”

“I think you have an extraordinary nature that sees the best in everything. You’re very easy company, Zoe. I thought it from the moment of the taxi accident. Your only concern was for the driver. If you’ve ever complained about anything, I haven’t heard it.”

She smiled. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, but thank you.”

After going ashore in Messolonghi for lunch, Andreas drove her to the huge, modern sea salt plant in a rental car. Over the years he’d had renovations made.

“Your parents must have been so proud of your accomplishments running the hotel business and all this, too. I wish I could have met them.”

“They would have loved you. Mother especially would have been delighted to know that you’re an expert on Lord Byron, and teach literature at UCLA. It might interest you to know she was a whiz at math before she married my father.

“Like you she taught it as a graduate student at the University of Patras for several years. Later on she worked for a company that did computational math and informatics.”

“It might interest me?” Zoe blurted. “How come it’s taken until now for you to tell me? No wonder your parents gave birth to one of the most successful men in Greece.”

Deep laughter rolled out of him.

“Laugh all you want, but your modesty is one of your most admirable traits, Andreas. I’m thrilled to know about your mother’s background and thrilled to be shown around your world.”

“She was disappointed she couldn’t have more children and found her work satisfying.”

“How did your father feel about it?”

“He encouraged her. She was easy to get along with, too. They made a good team, better than most because they understood each other’s needs.”

“You’ve just described what went wrong in the marriage of my adoptive parents. Nancy got so caught up in children, I’m pretty sure Bob couldn’t take it any longer. What drove her drove him away in the end. But both of them sacrificed a lot to raise me and the other kids. For that I’ll always be grateful.”

“Amen,” Andreas declared before driving them to the dock where he left the car to be picked up. “On our way back to the cove, I’ll pull you waterskiing if you’d like.”

“Maybe another time. It’s too soon after that incredible lunch. Thank you for suggesting it, though.” He was doing everything possible to make this trip unforgettable, but she knew he was brooding over a situation that was impacting his entire life.

Once in the boat she put on her life jacket. “Andreas—you’ve been wonderful to me, but I’d rather we returned to Patras now and swam another time. With the trip to France coming up in the morning, I know you need to go by your office and have a lot to do first.”

He studied her intently. “Why this sudden change?”

“Not sudden, but that phone call from your attorney changed the stakes, and I’m one of the reasons why. Lia saw me with you and it made her livid because she wants you back and thinks I’m standing in her way.”

“It’s past time she sees that I’m moving on.”

“But I can tell you’re preoccupied even though you hide it well. You wouldn’t be human if you weren’t worrying about Ari’s birth father. What will be his reaction to meeting you? What kind of a man is he? Most of all, what kind of a father will he make if he wants to be one to Ari.”

He pulled her close and kissed her until she was dizzy with longing. “The researcher in you constantly seeking for more truth has given you superhuman insights. At this point I don’t know how I functioned until you came into my life.”

Zoe hid her face against his shoulder. “I don’t know how you can say that.”

Andreas kissed her hair. “Because it’s true. To be honest, it’s going to be hard flying to Nice without you. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone. The fear that you’ll decide to leave in order to uncomplicate things for me never leaves my mind.”

Zoe realized that this strong, amazing man was admitting his vulnerability to her. She wondered if anyone had ever seen this side of him. The revelation broke her down.