“It’s a privilege for me, Andreas.”

After they drank some of the delicious wine, they began eating. It tasted so good she couldn’t stop until there was nothing left. He’d eaten all of his, too.

She lifted her eyes to him. “You probably won’t believe me, but that’s the best meal I ever had in my life.”

“You just read my mind. Now, take a look at the horizon.”

She turned to the west just as the half-moon started sliding into the water. The surreal night was so mystical, she felt the hairs rise on the back of her neck.

“What is it about beauty that makes you hurt?”

“That’s what happens to me when I look at you.”

“Too much wine again,” she quipped, “but I’m a woman who likes to hear it anyway.”

“You have a hard time accepting a compliment.” His gaze studied her profile, making her restless. “What’s your answer, Zoe?”

She felt her heart palpitate. “To which question?”

“Both. How to approach Norville and if you’ll come to France with me? I’ve made inquiries through a private detective I’ve used and trusted here in Patras, Gus Paulos. He told me Guion lives in Nice. Apparently he worked in the shipping business, then real estate. Now he dabbles in other things.”

“Is he married?”

“Twice, and separated from his second wife.”

Zoe sucked in her breath. “So he’s had a divorce.”


“Does he have children?”

“One from each marriage, so Gus tells me. Tomorrow I’ll find out if my attorney has good news for me and Lia has agreed to the terms. If not, then I’m going to take matters into my own hands. I want you with me.”

After Andreas talked to the other man, he would learn he had another child.

“I can hear what you’re thinking,” he murmured. “This couldn’t be a more difficult time for Norville to get news like this.”

“No. But I don’t suppose there’s ever a right time.”

Andreas looked out over the water. “Knowing what I’ve told you, do you still feel he should be told?”

“I wish you hadn’t asked me that. I’m seeing this from Ari’s side. If he learns through you about his birth father, he’ll love you for being honest no matter how shocking the news is to him. But if he finds out first that you’re not the one who gave him life, I imagine he’ll feel betrayed by both you and his mother.”

“In other words, whatever Norville’s circumstances, you’re still of the opinion I should tell him.”


“I feel exactly the same way. Now I’m trying to decide how I’d like to be contacted about this if I were Norville. Any thoughts you have on the matter will be greatly appreciated.”

“Let me think about it tonight, Andreas.”

“Will you fly to Nice with me?”

She got up from the banquette and reached for the glasses and wine bottle that was still two-thirds full. “I’ll tell you my answer in the morning.”

Zoe went down to the galley and started to clean up. In a minute he joined her and put their plates in the dishwasher. When she’d finished, she turned to him. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to bed. I don’t have to tell you it’s been a glorious day.”

Lines darkened his features. “It was until I mentioned Norville.”