“Don’t be. It could easily have failed.”

“But it didn’t, or I wouldn’t be holding this jar in my hand. Tell me what happened.”

“I realized that new ownership could use the facilities for something different, yet substantial. I got in touch with one of the scientists who’d worked there. He told me he would have given anything to buy the whole place and turn it into a sea salt business. But he didn’t have the money.”

Zoe moved the skillet off the burner. “I want to hear the details.”

“We had a lot of conversations. The more we talked, the more I was convinced it could work. There was all the seawater in the world. It was free. But to convert it meant boiling it down. That took fuel, and it costs a lot of money.”

“And Andreas Gavras, being the obedient son who’d saved his money, could provide it and turn it into a business that wasn’t high-tech or related to your family’s business. You’re so brilliant it’s scary.”

Rich laughter burst from Andreas. “After talking it over with my father, I bought the property and hired the scientist to help me find the right people to get it started.”

“I can’t comprehend putting a business like that together.”

“It was an enormous undertaking. I had to fund employees with insurance and benefits. Besides making the product, I had to decide where to sell it. Advertising costs had to be entered into the budget in order to get it off the ground. That meant hiring a marketing manager to laud the features of sea salt. Did you know it provides electrolytes that maintain water balance and assist in nerve and muscle function?”

She laughed. “You know very well I know nothing about it.”

“Neither did I, which was why I had to surround myself with experts. After deciding I would sell to clients in Europe, I had to make arrangements to ship our product using trucks and trains. In order to reach the countries around the Mediterranean, I had to negotiate with different shipping lines that would come to the port of Messolonghi.”

“This isn’t lip service when I tell you it’s a marvel what you’ve done.”

He leaned over and kissed the side of her brow. “If I’ve loaded you with too much information, there’s a reason. Ten years ago I did business with the CEO of Norville Shipping out of Marseilles, France. It’s been going strong ever since.”

“Wait a minute, a shipping line in Marseilles?” She gasped the name once she’d connected the dots. “Do you mean that Ari’s dad is...?”

He nodded when he saw she’d figured it out. “How’s that for a twist of irony? Out of all the men Lia could have picked...”

“But you never met him.”

“No. The CEO I did business with was probably his grandfather. They have the kind of money that would enable him to come after Lia if he finds out she had his baby and didn’t tell him.

“I’m waiting to hear how soon the judge will rule on my change of visitation petition. If Lia does anything to hold it up, then I’m not going to wait any longer to meet with Norville.”

Her stomach clenched in worry for him.

“Zoe? I’d like your input on how best to approach him.”

“Oh, Andreas—I don’t know.”

“I can’t think of anyone whose opinion I would value more. And I’d like you to go to France with me.”

While she stood there speechless, he found a tray, cutlery and two plates. It dawned on her the food was ready. Together they served up the fish and potatoes. She put on a lemon garnish and fresh plums and added some Halloumi cheese rolls.

He gave her a sideward glance. “I’ll carry this up if you’ll bring the wine and glasses.”

Zoe fairly trembled as she gathered those last items and followed him to the deck. They sat on a banquette with the tray between them. She found a spot for the glasses and Andreas poured them Moschofilero white wine he’d said came from the finest vineyards in the southern Peloponnese region of Greece.

He raised his glass to her. “You’ll taste peppermint, rose and citrus, elements of my homeland. It will enhance the flavor of our little two-year-old cod fish, born and raised here in Grecian waters.”


“Their great-grandparents are around here somewhere and probably six feet long by now.”

She chuckled softly and lifted her glass. “To hope and new beginnings.”

He touched her glass with his own. “Thank you for coming with me.” His deep voice resonated inside her body.