That’s what you think.

Being a foster child had deprived her of a feeling of permanence before she’d been adopted. Add to that, a marriage at a young age with a pilot who was incapable of putting down roots had made her skittish.

Andreas didn’t question why she’d kept herself from getting too close to any man again. Many opportunities had to have been there. The more he thought about it, the more he realized it was a miracle she’d come back to Patras after she’d fled to her friends in Venice. He didn’t care what excuse she’d used for her return. Deep in his soul he knew she hadn’t been able to walk away from him.

“What’s your timeline?”

“I don’t have one, not yet. Right now I’m here with you and loving every minute of it.”

The frank admission, not easily given, sent a new burst of longing to reveal things she still didn’t know, but he had to take it step by step. “I’m glad to hear it. We still have a lot to talk about, but we’ll do it later because I’m getting hungry for dinner.”

Her eyes sparkled. “Me, too.”

“What do you say I put the right lure on the line of your pole and we’ll see what’s out there?”

He led her to the back near the transom where he kept his spinning rods. Andreas opened his large tackle box.

“Good heavens—you have so many different lures, you must fish a lot.”

“I’ve done my share over the years with friends and family. While you inspect them, I’ll go below and bring up a small cooler filled with ice.”

He hurried down the gangway and was back in a minute. “Have you found one you like?”

“This black one with the pink spots speaks to me.”

“I’m afraid that little beauty won’t catch cod, maybe a sea bass. But they don’t hang out here.”

“So which of these has the magic?”

“We’ll try this one.” He reached for the orange eel jig and fastened it to the line. “If I put on a bullet weight, it’ll sink to the right depth. After you cast and start to reel in, the eel will wiggle and flash, driving the cod crazy.”

She let out a happy laugh. “I can’t wait to watch it work. Will you cast first? I want to see you do it.”

This was beyond fun. Andreas set it all up and gave her a demonstration, but the lure came in empty. “I’ll try it again.” In the end he had to cast four times before he felt that tug. “Got one!”

Zoe actually jumped with excitement while he slowly reeled it in. Out came a nine-inch cod. “That’s a perfect size!”

He hit it on the head. Once he removed the lure, he put his catch in the cooler. Then he reattached the lure and handed her the rod. “I’ve caught my dinner. Now it’s your turn. That is if you want to eat,” he baited her.

“Oh, brother.” She squinted her eyes at him. “You just watch.” She imitated his technique as best she could and ended up casting five times without success. “What am I doing wrong?”

“Not a thing. I can tell you’ve fished before.”

“Nate took me out on a boat with some of his friends, but it was a long time ago.”

“Did you have success?”

“Not that I can remember.”

Andreas smiled. “Just keep trying. Maybe a different spot.”

“Good idea.” She turned and cast to the left side of the boat. It wasn’t long before she cried out, “I’ve got a fish!”

“Keep reeling it in,” he said, happy for her.

Pretty soon she lifted it from the water. “It’s smaller than yours, but I’ll keep it.”

“Only by an inch. We have the right amount for our meal.” He took care of the cod, but had to reach for his fishing knife to remove the hook of the lure.