He really was in a mood. “Yes. I’d love to go.”

“That’s all I needed to hear. We’ll eat lunch on the plane. When we get back to Patras, I have to go into the office, but only for a few hours.”

“I thought so.”

“I promise I won’t be long. After I come by for you, we’ll pick up some groceries and drive to the port. I’m a pretty good cook.”

“That sounds exciting. But if we’re going to be on the water, then we’ll share the meal making. Can we fish?”

“I know spots to find red snapper and cod with my spinning rod.”

“Fabulous. We’ll eat what we catch. I wish we were there already.”

“I’m way ahead of you.”


“YOU CALL THIS a boat?” A light sea breeze tousled Zoe’s dark blond hair as her gaze darted everywhere.

Andreas had just given her a tour. “That’s what it is.”

“You’re a master of understatement. This is a sleek, oceangoing, state-of-the-art yacht.”

“It only has two bedrooms.”

She rolled her eyes, more brilliant a blue than the gulf itself. “Plus two bathrooms, a closet, a kitchen with a washer and dryer, and a sitting room with built-in office equipment.”

“Yet it’s small enough I can man it myself. I don’t want a crew.”

“I don’t blame you. When you want to escape, you have a self-contained world that’s all yours. I noticed the name on the side and wish I could read Greek. Will you translate it for me?”

“Amphitrite, goddess of the sea and Poseidon’s wife.”

“I should have known it would be something deliciously Greek.”

Not as delicious as she was. Andreas handed her a life jacket from one of the cubbies on the top deck near the banquette. She put it on over her stunning figure clad in jeans and a white pullover.

“Does Ari love it already?”

“I haven’t brought him out on it.”

“Why not?”

“Lia had a brother who never learned how to swim and drowned years ago. After Ari was born, she made me promise we wouldn’t take him on the Amphitrite until he could swim without a life preserver.”

“I can understand that. How sad for her and her family.”

“I’ve moved him around in the villa pool. When visitation is changed and he’s home with me for whole weeks at a time, I’ll start to have fun in the water with him.”

“He’ll adore it.”

“We’ll see how soon he learns to swim. For this trip I’m looking forward to swimming with you. Come and sit near me.” He’d undone the ropes and was ready to cast off.

She did his bidding. “You don’t know how excited I am. It’s wonderful to be finished with the research project and not worry about anything for a while.”

“I need time off, too.”

“Since knowing you, I’ve seen how hard you work. You have the energy of a dozen men.”