In a few minutes they landed and the steward carried their luggage to the limo waiting for them. The three-story Gavras House—Athens was built along nineteenth-century neoclassic lines—was hardly the place for a growing toddler, but it served Andreas’s purpose for the time being. He’d arranged for Zoe’s room on the second floor near the elevator for easy access.

They went to hers first.

“Look at those fresh flowers!” she exclaimed in delight when they walked in the sitting room off the bedroom. “Daffodils and daisies.” Zoe turned to him. “You had these sent to me?”

The smile on her face made the effort worth it. He lowered her suitcase. “In Greece the two together express hope and new beginnings. Today represents both since you’re about to meet my son.”

For a moment her eyes searched his. “How beautiful! I love them. Give me a moment to freshen up. I’ll be right back.”

True to her word, she was gone only a couple of minutes. After walking over to inspect the flowers one more time, she went with him to his suite on the floor above.

When they walked in the front room, she halted. “You’ve transformed this into a child’s paradise!”

“Hardly that. All I’ve done is replicate what he was used to at the villa. It’ll go back with us when visitation is changed.” He carried his suitcase over to the couch. After he pulled out the gift bag, he put it on the coffee table. “Excuse me for a minute.”

Andreas took his suitcase in the bedroom. When he returned, he noticed she’d been drawn to the drum with the large colored circles. She’d knelt and was pressing one sound after another. Zoe smiled up at him. “I’ve never seen such a cute toy. Does he love it?”

“Not as much as that wooden wagon with the blocks. He has a routine of taking a few out, leaving them and moving on before he removes some more. When they’re all on the floor, he methodically starts picking them up.”

“Maybe he’ll run his own delivery service one day. A c

hip off the old block. Gavras International Express Mail,” she teased.

“That’s a thought.” While they both laughed, he heard the familiar knock. “They’re here,” he murmured. Zoe got to her feet, still holding the drum. “Ready?”

She nodded.

* * *

Zoe’s heart thudded as he opened the door. She watched his dark-headed boy reach for Andreas, who swept him up in his arms. He spoke Greek to him in endearing terms and heard Ari say baba several times as they hugged.

Lia, a tall, stunning brunette, walked past them dressed in a becoming pink sundress with spaghetti straps. She’d seen Zoe and made her way toward her. Thank heaven Andreas had prepared her for what Lia might do.

He closed the gap, still carrying Ari. “Lia? This is Zoe Perkins, a friend of mine from the US. She’s a professor of English literature at UCLA.”

“So I’ve heard.”

Andreas had been right. His wife had already been informed.

“Zoe? May I introduce Ari’s mother and our son.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Kyria Gavras.” His wife was still a Gavras.

“How do you do, Kyria Perkins?” Lia spoke English well.

“You have an adorable boy.”

“Thank you.”

Zoe smiled at their son. “Yassou, Ari.” She’d been practicing a few words, “hello” being one of them.

Ari stared at the drum she was holding and squirmed to get down. Andreas lowered him to the floor. Zoe immediately handed it to him and he sat to play with it. She had an idea he hadn’t liked her holding it. Deciding now was as good a time as any, she reached for the gift bag on the coffee table and put it on the floor in front of him.

He was so cute when he looked up at her in surprise. Zoe hunkered down and pulled out the gift Andreas had rewrapped. “This is for you.” She started to undo it, then left it to him to finish, all the while aware his mother was watching.

Ari made fast work of it and out came the three ModMobiles on wheels. With the same methodical precision Andreas had told her about, he lined them up and pushed them around on his hands and knees. Zoe intercepted a warm glance from Andreas.

“How long will you be in Greece?” This from Lia. The tension was growing.