Eight o’clock here meant seven in Burgundy.

Abby, Abby, please be home.

But Zoe got her voice mail and left a message to call her back. An hour later, while she was packing for the trip to Athens, she heard from her friend.

“Zoe? I’ve been hoping you’d call. What’s happened?”

“I’m phoning to thank you for pushing me to return to Patras. I’m so glad I listened to you! I was with Andreas last evening and all day today. Tomorrow he’s taking me to Athens to meet his son.”

“From the sound of your voice, you’re a different person.”

“He...was happy I returned and we both admitted we have feelings for each other.”

“Then I don’t expect I’ll be seeing you after all. Just promise to keep me informed when you find a moment to come down from the clouds.”

“You know I will. Abby? Before we hang up, how is everything with you?”

“We’ve been trying for a baby. That’s how it’s been going.”

Zoe grinned. “Lucky you.”

“I’m so in love with Raoul, it’s sickening. Watch out, Zoe.”

“I’m afraid that warning has come too late.” Far too late, her heart whispered. “Good luck to the two of you. I hope to hear breaking news soon! I can’t help but wonder who will have a baby first. You, or Ginger.”

That produced laughter from Abby before Zoe hung up and got ready for bed. She was living to be with Andreas again and feared she wouldn’t be able to sleep. He’d suffered a great deal. Between the loss of his parents and Lia’s betr

ayal, she marveled he even functioned. Then to learn Ari wasn’t his son... Only a strong, extraordinary man could deal with that.

After she climbed under the covers, oblivion eventually took over. Her watch alarm woke her up in time to shower and dress. Zoe had left out a pair of pleated cream-colored pants and a short-sleeved navy blouse. She liked its tiny print of cream and white flowers. Being around a toddler, she’d be more comfortable in this outfit.

Zoe wore earrings with a small navy blue ball hanging from a delicate gold thread. Once she’d brushed out her hair and applied pink frost lipstick, she reached for her purse and suitcase, then started out the flat door.

“Andreas—” she cried because she almost ran into him coming around the trees. His hands steadied her upper arms so she stayed upright.

“Kalimera, Zoe. You look incredible.” He found her unsuspecting mouth and kissed her with a hunger that shook her to the depths. The passion he generated caused her to lose her grip on the suitcase and it fell to the ground. “I needed that,” he said in a smoky voice against her trembling lips before picking it up for her.

Zoe took one look at him dressed in a short-sleeved coffee-colored sport shirt and white pants and almost lost her breath. No man could touch Andreas’s sheer virility clothed this morning in casual elegance only he could carry off.

Andreas had come in the limo. The driver took care of her suitcase while Andreas opened the rear door. But before she could get in, he caught her to him and kissed her mouth once more.

“My marriage was over before it even began, killing the dream. I don’t know about you, but the moment I found out you’d phoned my office, I started dreaming again. That in itself is a miracle. Thank heaven you’re with me.”

Zoe felt overwhelmed with emotion. She was a little spooked by the speed of his declarations considering how quickly she’d jumped into marriage last time. Of course it wasn’t as if Andreas had asked her to marry him, but her emotions were certainly getting more complicated.


ANDREAS SLID IN next to her and gripped her hand as they headed for the airport.

“You need to know what to expect when we reach Athens and are driven to the hotel. Lia always brings Ari to the private Gavras suite on the third floor. When it’s time for him to go back with her, she comes to pick him up. It’s her way of hoping I’ll change my mind and want to get back together.”

“Would you rather I went to my own room and wait until you phone me?”

“Unless you’d be too uncomfortable, I’d like you there with me. I’m positive she knows about you, but it will be a surprise to meet you. Don’t let anything she says intimidate you.”

“If you want to know my greatest fear, it’s that I’ll say or do something that will upset your son. Since I only know a few words in Greek, you’ll have to translate.”

“That’ll be a pleasure. When you hand him the gift bag, he’ll be too excited with the present to notice anything else. You were inspired.”