“That’s honest at least,” Abby murmured. “Look—I hear what you’re saying, but I can tell you’re really torn up at leaving him. I never thought I’d see you in this condition. Driving off into the sunset with Raoul after what Nigel did to me was close to lunacy, except that I felt something for him I had to explore. Now look what’s happened!”

“Your story is like a fairy tale.”

“Ginger’s is, too. She’d adored her husband who’d died and thought she could never find that happiness again. Then she met Vittorio, who won her heart. Now she’s the wife of a fantastic, important Venetian. Maybe it’s your turn.”

My turn for more regrets.

“Much as I’d selfishly hoped you would stay at the chateau with me for the rest of the summer, my advice is to go back and hear him out.”

She sucked in her breath. “Abby? I can’t believe you’re telling me this. Do you remember the conversation the three of us had at the vineyard in Geneva at the start of our vacation? When you told us about the French Realtor you’d met, Ginger and I were fearful for you. Something that sounded so good couldn’t possibly be true.”

“But it was, Zoe, even though he turned out not to be a Realtor.”

“I know,” she whispered.

“What could it hurt to see him one more time and hear what he has to say? You were pretty abrupt to cut it off on the phone with him when he had no idea you’d been planning to leave. It isn’t as if he did something you couldn’t abide. Or did he?”

“Of course not. If anything—”

“He hasn’t even kissed you?” Abby broke in on her.

Her face went hot. “I told you. It hasn’t been that kind of a relationship. I don’t know what you’d call it.”

“Then go back and find out. If I’m wrong and seeing him again only causes you more pain and frustration, then come to Burgundy. My invitation is always open. As for tomorrow, on our way home Raoul and I will drive you to the airport in the morning, if that’s what you want.”

Zoe’s hand squeezed the phone tightly. “I’m afraid it is what I want. You’re the greatest friend in the world, Abby.”

After they hung up, she booked a flight to Patras. Abby had given her the courage. She needed to see Andreas again one last time and tell him the truth. That she’d started to develop feelings for him but it was wrong to act on them while he still wasn’t free.

* * *

Andreas stared gloomily out the window of his private jet as it headed to Patras airport from Athens, where he’d spent a couple of days on business. After Zoe had said goodbye to him a week ago, he’d almost gone out of his mind. Ari was the only constant in his life and he didn’t see enough of him. Knowing Zoe was on her way to California was killing him.

When he wasn’t with Ari at Gavras House in Athens, Andreas wanted to spend every free minute with Zoe. He’d thought she’d felt the same way until that phone call. Her goodbye had gutted him. He’d experienced a staggering sense of loss and asked her to listen to him, but she’d hung up. He hadn’t had the opportunity to tell her what was on his mind.

The next time he went to Athens, he’d had plans to take her with him so she could meet Ari. Ever since he’d met her, Andreas had sensed something earthshaking was happening to him and she was the reason.

Whatever had frightened her off, he vowed this wasn’t going to be the end. He knew where to find her, even if it meant flying to California.

All these thoughts and more bombarded him as the jet landed and he got in the back of the limousine. He told his driver to take him to the Gavras building complex in the city center. His office manager, Lukas, needed his signature on new construction contracts that would take time to study.

When he walked into his inner sanctum, Lukas followed him inside. “Welcome back. Before we get started, I received a phone call from a woman who is most anxious to talk to you. The number is on your desk.”

“Was she calling from Yorgos Zika’s office?” He supposed it was something to do with Lia asking for more money to finalize the purchase of the Athenian villa she’d chosen. He would pay it. The sooner she was settled, the sooner he would change the temporary terms of visitation.

“No. This woman is an American and asked to speak to you if you were available.”

His heart hammered wildly. Zoe? Why did she call his office instead of reaching him on his cell phone? Was she still in Italy? Andreas was incredulous.


sp; “What did you tell her?”

“That you were flying in from Athens sometime today.”

“Thank you, Lukas. I’ll make the call, then we’ll go over the contracts.”

He nodded and left, shutting the door.