Raoul shook his head. “Don’t tease me about this.”

“I’m not, my darling.” She grabbed the sack with the presents. “We need to hurry.”

Abby started for the car first and got in without his help. He was totally quiet as he drove them to another entrance to the château she hadn’t seen before. This time he opened the car door for her. Before he let her go, he ran his hands over her hips and back. “You’re so beautiful, it hurts.”

She kissed his lips before hurrying inside with him. He led her up the stairs to the second floor. When they came to the entrance, the doors had been opened. Abby hooked her arm through his and they walked inside.

The first person they saw was an adorable brunette boy who came running toward Raoul, calling out something like “Rool.” Abby loved the little guy already. Her husband picked him up in his arms.

Maurice asked him something in French. “What he did say, Rool?”

Raoul’s laughter delighted her. “He wanted to know if I bought him a present while I was in Paris. I can’t believe it, but I forgot to get him anything on this trip.”

“No, you didn’t.” She lifted the sack. “These are for him.”

His black eyes stared at her in shock.

“Go on. Give them to him.”

He carried Maurice to the couch in the salon and reached inside the bag to hand him his presents. Josette and Paul came in to see what was going on. A smile lit up their faces to watch as their boy tore off the wrapping paper and examined his new toys.

Raoul grabbed Abby around the waist, propelled by emotions erupting inside of him. He stared at his sister. “You look lovely tonight.”

“Don’t they both?” Paul had his arm around her shoulders. “Our wives went on a shopping spree while we were away. I have a feeling we’re in for it when we have to travel on business.”

Abby shook her head. “Mon mari won’t be leaving town any time soon, so you don’t need to worry.”

Josette smiled. “Maman has dinner waiting for us on the terrasse.”

Once again Raoul stared at Abby. She grasped his hand. “Come on.”

Paul swept Maurice into his arms, toys and all, and they walked through the suite to the terrasse that overlooked a fabulous rose garden. Abby heard one of those male whistles and looked to the side. Jean-Marc stood there with his arms folded, wearing a grin.

“Congratulations on your marriage.” He walked toward her and kissed her on both cheeks. “I should have been the one who went to Switzerland.” Then he faced his brother and gave him a hug that brought tears to her eyes.

Over their shoulders she saw his mother wheel their father over to them. She wore a filmy yellow dress. On the shoulder, she was wearing the pin. Abby could hardly breathe.

“We’re so happy for the two you.” She approached Raoul who wrapped his arms around her. As they clung, his father eyed Abby. “My son is a very fortunate man. If you’d lean over, I’d like to give you a kiss and welcome you to the family.”

Abby’s heart was full to overflowing as she did his bidding. They kissed on both cheeks. He was probably in pain to put forth that much exertion. But the fact that he made the effort meant the world to her.

Raoul watched the two of them as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His father finally looked at her husband. Abby saw love in those dark eyes before he held up his hands. The sight of father and son embracing would be etched in her mind and heart forever.

Paul had put Maurice in a high chair. He kept tapping his kaleidoscope against the tray. Abby hurried around and sat down to talk to him. “Will you let me show you?” Of course, he didn’t understand her. She put it to her eye, then urged him to do the same.

Josette said something to him in French and suddenly Abby could tell he was seeing the designs inside.

“I’m starting French lessons and can’t wait until I can talk to him.”

“He’ll love it, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to put him to bed in a minute.”

“Thank you for letting him stay up.”

Raoul sat down next to Abby and put his hand on her thigh beneath the table. Heat rushed to her face. She couldn’t look at him as everyone gathered and their meal was served.

His mother looked at Abby. “This is such a special occasion, I cooked dinner myself. This was always Raoul’s favorite. Rack of lamb and mint from our garden. Before we eat, I’d like to make a toast to our son and his bride.” She lifted her glass. “To new beginnings.”

Abby knew they were drinking the most treasured pinot noir from their vaunted wine cellar. After she swallowed a healthy amount, Jean-Marc raised his glass. “Here’s to the fresh California breeze that has blown through the vineyard.”