“What if I want to? I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Again he hung up, leaving her worried and dissatisfied. Abby flung herself out of bed. Thank heaven he’d be home soon so she could find out what was going on with him.

For the next few hours she sent emails to relatives and friends in and out of the department letting them know that she’d gotten married and where she could be reached. She received a heartfelt congratulations from Magda.

Josette called her later and asked if she wanted to go shopping with her in Dijon while Maurice was napping. Abby had jumped at the chance to get acquainted with Raoul’s sister, who bought a becoming aqua maternity dress for the party.

Abby found a green-beaded ruched knee-length sheath dress. Josette assured her Raoul’s eyes would pop out when he saw her in it. The dinner was scheduled for six o’clock.

After their return, she put the dress in the closet and drove the Jaguar to the helipad, wearing her jeans and blouse. Raoul had said three, but it was three fifteen when she heard the sound of the rotors. Soon the helicopter came into view. Her heart thudded as she watched it set down. Out came Paul with a suitcase. Raoul followed with his.

She left the car and ran to hug him. If something was still bothering him, he didn’t let it show as he crushed her against him and swung her around. The intensity of his kiss melted her insides before he swept her toward the car. He helped her in the passenger seat and got in the driver’s seat out of habit. Paul sat in back.

Abby turned to her brother-in-law. “Did business go well?”

“I never realized how much I didn’t know.”

“He’s going to do great work for us,” Raoul commented. He dropped him off at the château, then drove them to the cottage. Her husband was still in an odd mood.

“Before we go inside, I want to know what’s wrong. You haven’t been yourself since we talked on the phone last night.”

He shut off the engine and turned toward her. “The truth?”


“I should never have left you this soon after our wedding. When you told me you’d taken a drive and had gone shopping, I knew you couldn’t bear to be here alone. You seemed a little evasive. I was angry with myself and I’m afraid I let it show.”

“All is forgiven.” She might have known that he’d sensed she’d been keeping something from him. Raoul wasn’t a man you could toy with, not when it came to his deepest emotions. “I was being evasive, but for the best of reasons. At six this evening, all will be revealed. Can you trust me until then?”

“You know I trust you with my life,” his voice grated.

With those words she jumped out of the car and hurried inside first. When he followed her through the door, he had to run to catch up with her. She reached the bedroom first. “I thought you’d never get here.”

“Mignonne—” He caught her to him. The moment their mouths fused in need, the world reeled. His loving took her to such a divine place, she almost forgot about the party.

“Darling? What time is it?”

“Ten to six.”

“Uh-oh. We have to get ready.”

“For what?”

“You’ll find out. Put on something semi-dressy. I’ll shower first.” She dashed away before he could pull her back. They were going to be late.

At ten after six she walked in the living room where he was waiting for her. As Josette had predicted, his black eyes glittered with desire as he studied every curving inch of her. “I approve of your shopping spree.”

“Good. I like your black silky shirt. You’re impossibly handsome, you know. So handsome, I’d like to lock myself up in a tower with you.”

She thought he sounded a little out of breath. “Where are we going?”

“To the château.”

He looked taken aback. “I don’t understand.”

“You will. In fact you’re going to have to show me where to go. We were due at your parents’ suite ten minutes ago.”