“Tell Jean-Marc that I found him very charming. If I hadn’t met Raoul first...”

At that comment both women laughed. Josette nodded. “I will tell him.”

Hélène-Claire rose to her feet. “We’ve kept you long enough. We’ll set a time when we know Raoul and Paul will be back from Paris.”

“Wonderful!” Nothing sounded more perfect to Abby, who was overjoyed that the two women in Raoul’s life had come around to make peace at last. “Let’s exchange phone numbers to stay in touch.”

When they’d done that, she walked them out to the porch. As soon as they’d driven away, she went inside and checked out some Dijon toy stores. When she found a couple of addresses on the internet, she grabbed her purse and drove the Jaguar into town. What a fantastic car, once she got the hang of it!

Within an hour, she’d purchased a darling musical box called Les Papoum, and a kaleidoscope with a circus motif. You twisted both ends to make different colors. Those gifts would be fun for Maurice.

Raoul phoned just before she went to bed. “I miss you so much I’ve been no good to Paul today.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“Tell me about your day.”

If he only knew. “I slept in, cleaned and drove around in the Jaguar. I promise it’s still in one piece, but you’ll have to adjust the seat.”

His laughter sounded over the line. “I’m going to work all night so we can get home earlier tomorrow.”

“What do you want to do when you get here?” she teased. Inside she was struggling to hang on to her secret.

“If you have to ask me that question, then I’ve been doing something wrong.”

Had she said something that worried him? “Darling, I was just checking to make sure you’re not tired of me yet.”

“Do you honestly think that could ever happen?”

He was upset.

“Next time you fly anywhere, I’ll go with you, but I can’t promise to behave and you’ll wish you’d left me behind.”

She’d hoped to wring a chuckle from him at least. No such luck.

“I’m never leaving you again.” His voice sounded savage. “I’ll phone you in the morning. Miss me, mon amour.”


But he’d hung up. What on earth was wrong?

Their conversation had left her restless and she didn’t sleep well. At eight the next morning

he phoned her again. She picked up immediately. “Bonjour, mon mari.” She’d been practicing how to say my husband.

“Have you started your tutoring lessons already? Is that where you went in the car yesterday?”

What? “Actually I went shopping.”

“I see.”

She frowned. “I’ve been waiting for your call.”

“We’ll be back at three.”

“I’ll drive to the helipad and wait for you.”

“You don’t have to do that.”