“Thank you, Oncle Pierre.”

The other older man who stood next to Pierre nodded to Raoul. “I must say I’m surprised you didn’t pick a woman of our own nationality, but I wish you both well.”

“Merci, Oncle Lucien. That means a lot. To be honest, love picked me,” he said, kissing Abby’s cheek.

Gilles frowned at Raoul. He said something in French Abby didn’t understand and strode out of the salon behind his father.

Abby felt like she’d been watching a bizarre play, not believing that anyone could sketch characters as unbelievable as these real people. Did inheriting a title truly do this kind of damage?

When his aunt left the room, Raoul pulled Abby into his arms and held her for a long time. She wanted to tell him they should

leave here and never come back. No one deserved this kind of treatment.

There were so many things she wanted to say to him, but she knew she couldn’t. This was his life. He’d been totally honest about it. She’d just pledged to love and support him.

Learn and grow together even when this is not always so easy to do.

Those words were part of the vows she’d taken just hours ago. She had to honor them, but she knew it was going to be the hardest test she would ever have to pass in this life.

The sadness in his grandparents’ eyes since the rest of the family had come into the salon haunted her. Raoul had clung to them all these years for a reason. Well now he had Abby too! She would be his rock.

When Raoul let her go, she walked over to his grandfather and gave him a hug. “Now that we’ll be living in the cottage, we’ll come to visit you every day. Raoul needs your help and your wisdom,” she murmured near his ear.

She felt him reach for her hand and squeeze it hard, but she knew he was getting tired. So was his grandmother.

Raoul blew both of them a kiss, then grasped her hand and they left the suite for the car. Neither of them spoke as he started the engine and drove to the cottage. When they arrived, he sat there without moving. “I knew it would be bad, but I can see I should never have subjected you to this.”

“But you’re too honorable to behave in any other way.”

“Why did you run after my mother?”

“To give her a little gift for having the most fabulous son on earth.”


“Tell me something. Why did your sister walk out like that? What’s the real reason?”

“Father should have made her the head of the domaine. She’s as capable of managing it as I am. When Angélique and the baby died, she didn’t think I’d get married again. With no child to come after me, it would mean their son, Maurice, would be the next one in line. Seeing me married again, she’s afraid we’ll have a baby and that will be the end of any hope she has. Paul’s promotion still won’t bring her what she’d hoped for.”

“But she’s your sister.”

“And we love each other. We’ve shared good times too, but you have to understand that my father’s decision to name me has hurt her and my aunts who are equally capable of running the estate. He sees running the grape business as men’s work.”

Raoul turned a solemn face to her. “This is nothing against you personally, Abby. My mother would have stayed to welcome you if my father hadn’t forced Jean-Marc to wheel him out. She’s never had the courage to stand up to him when something important mattered to her.”

“We’re all too human at times. What did Gilles say to you? Did he hurt you?”

“No. He said I was a damn lucky man.”

After a dark sound escaped his lips, he helped her from the car. To her surprise he carried her over the threshold. Once inside, they clung to each other.

“Darling? Please don’t suffer for my sake. We’re home in our happy refuge. This is our Saint des Saints. Nothing can touch us here. We have each other. What else do we need? Are you listening to me? You’re my everything, Raoul. I ache to love you. Let me show you what you mean to me.”

“Abby—” He kissed her mouth. She tasted the salt from his tears. “This was no way to start out our marriage.”

“Your grandmother said she’d pray for us.”

A sad chuckle escaped. “That sounds like Mamie.”