“Go ahead and get it.”

He kissed her thoroughly. “This is for business. I’ll call you in the morning and we’ll make our plans.”

She walked him to the door. “I’ll be counting the hours.”

* * *

After he walked out to the car, Abby shut the door. There couldn’t be a happier woman in all France tonight. She hurried into the bedroom and got ready for bed. Knowing she wouldn’t be able to go to sleep yet, she reached for her laptop as she got under the sheets.

The first thing she did was write a lengthy letter to the head of the literature department at San José State to let them know she was getting married and wouldn’t be returning in the fall

. She would hand write an official letter of resignation later, but they needed to know her plans immediately.

Before she’d met Raoul, she couldn’t have imagined this scenario, not when she’d worked so long and hard for that position. But the world had changed on its axis when Raoul had come into her life. To think it hadn’t even been a whole week!

With her missive sent, she got busy on another project. It had been a long time since she’d gone shopping for clothes, let alone a wedding dress. For the next hour she looked at everything under the sun. By the time she was ready to shut her computer off, she knew exactly the style and color she wanted. She’d pick up some other items too, including a few nightgowns.

Abby got out of bed long enough to put the laptop back on the table and turn off the overhead light. Only a few more days and she’d be going to bed with Raoul every night. She climbed under the covers, imagining he was with her.

The next morning she got up to shower and wash her hair. Since she would be picking out her wedding outfit, she wore her sundress with the jacket to look a little more dressed up. More new clothes were needed, but she’d worry about that later.

Her phone didn’t ring until eight thirty. She hoped everything was all right and picked up after the first ring. “Raoul?”

“Forgive me for not calling sooner. I’m afraid our plans are going to have to change today.” Disappointment swamped her. “I’ll explain later, but I’m going to be tied up with business until the afternoon, so I’ve instructed a maid from the château kitchen to bring you breakfast.

“She should be there any minute. Anything else you want to eat, you’ll find in your kitchen. Feel free to explore the property or do whatever you want. I can’t give you a definite time when I’ll be back, but I promise to call and keep you informed.” He sounded rushed.

“You always do. Is everything okay?”

“It will be when I put out this latest fire.”

This was his life and she’d better get used to it. “Good luck, my love.”

No sooner had she hung up than the maid knocked on the door. Abby thanked her and walked into the sitting room with the delicious-looking meal. Once she’d eaten her fill, she walked back to her computer while she waited for Raoul.

At noon he returned to the apartment. He swept her in his arms. “What have you been doing?”

“Last night I sent in my resignation to the department. While I was waiting for you to come just now, I received an answer from Dr. Thurman. I’ll show it to you later.”

He walked her out to the car and they took off. “Did he say he’d make you a full professeur to keep you on?”

She smiled. “It wouldn’t have mattered if he’d offered me the moon. You have no idea how much I love you.” After kissing him again she said, “I wrote to Magda. If she hadn’t chosen me to help on that script, I would never have ended up in Switzerland and met you. To think if the girls and I had arrived a day later...”

“I don’t want to think about it, Abby. It was meant to be. Do you know what kind of a dress you want to buy for our wedding?”

“Yes! I saw exactly what I wanted online last night. If you’ll drive us to the Grace Loves Lace shop, that should be the only place we have to go. I hope you won’t mind staying in the car. I don’t want you to see it until Thursday.”

He found it on the address locater. “After it’s put in a bag, I’ll come in long enough to pay for it.”

“I’ll need some shoes too, and some lingerie. I can get everything there at the same time. I promise I won’t take a long time.”

One thing he knew about Abby. She wasn’t one to play games and always kept her promises. After he dropped her off in front, he parked and made arrangements for their honeymoon. He had a surprise for her.

Before long she waved to him from the entrance. He went inside to pay the clerk. After helping her out to the car with her garment bag and packages, he took her to dinner at a sidewalk café.

“You look happy.” In truth she was radiant.

“I am, but I’m wondering how I’m going to make it through to Thursday. I wish we were married right now.”