He wanted to marry her. He’d already talked about a date...

With her mind reeling, Abby went inside her apartment and curled up on the bed, throwing a duvet over her.

Raoul’s first marriage had been forced on him. It wasn’t because of a great love. He’d admitted how painful it had been. But the fact that he felt so undeserving of a woman’s love was much more painful to her.

Once again she could imagine what her friends would say. You can’t marry a man this soon. You’ve been swept away on a riptide.

But Abby was so desperately in love with him, she couldn’t imagine life without him. Yet she’d never felt so conflicted in her life.

Turning to the two people whose advice she treasured most in life, she phoned home. To her relief her mother answered. It had to be late afternoon.

“Abby, darling—I’m so glad you called. We haven’t heard from you since your vacation started.”

“I know. I’m sorry, but so much has happened, I hardly to know where to begin. Is Dad home yet?”

“No. He has a meeting and will be late.”

“Tell him I love him. Mom? I need to talk to you. Is this a good time?”

“What do you think.”

“Will you play King Solomon for a few minutes?”

There was a long pause. “That’s the most serious question you ever asked me.”

“That’s because it is.” In a shaky voice Abby said, “I’ve met the great love of my life. He has asked me to marry him right away. There’s no way to describe him.”


For the next half hour Abby poured out her soul to her. When she’d finished talking, she wiped her eyes and waited for her mother to say something. “Mom?”

“King Solomon would tell you to wait and give it time. But I’m your mother and I’m convinced you’re too in love to take anyone’s advice. You said you have to be married in a civil ceremony first. So why don’t you do it without telling anyone?

“I’m sure your father would tell you the same thing. While you go through the waiting peri

od so you can be married in the church, you’ll know if you’ve made a mistake. Then you can tell the whole world, or not.”

Abby let out the breath she’d been holding. “Thank you, Mom. That’s what I was praying to hear. It won’t be a mistake! I’m sending you some pictures of him and the estate on my phone right now.”

Again, Abby waited to hear her mother’s response. Finally, she said, “He’s the most gorgeous man I ever laid eyes on.”


“I may be your mother, but I’m not blind. Please don’t tell your father what I said.”

Abby chuckled. “It’ll be our secret. Have you scrolled to the picture of the château yet?”

“Oh, my heavens!”

“That’s what I said.”

“Your father’s not going to believe it.”

“I’m afraid Dad’s not going to approve of doing anything too soon.”

“You’re right. He won’t be happy.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t say anything to Steve or Nadine yet.”