To her relief he drove them to a small bistro in the village called Le Petit Pinot Noir. She pronounced the name out loud, loving the sound of it. When he asked her why she chuckled at the sight of it, she said, “I think it’s a very clever name.”

Again, she got out before he could come around and went into the restaurant first. Jean-Marc found a table by the window and gave their order to the waitress. “I’ve ordered us boeuf bourguignon, a regional favorite.”

“That sounds good.”

He ordered a bottle of red wine and poured some for her. “Try this, then later tonight I’ll take you to our wine cellars where you can taste our superior cru.”

“I did have some at the dinner last night. I’m no connoisseur, but it was like velvet.”

“But they didn’t serve you from a fifteen-year-old bottle. That’s an experience.” His eyes traveled over her while he drank his wine. She hadn’t changed her mind about him. He was a flirt. She would simply have to see this through.

Within minutes the waitress arrived with their meal. The meat had been cooked in wine with baby onions and mushrooms. What made the difference in the flavor were the little bits of bacon. “This is delicious.”

“I thought you’d like it.”

When she lifted her head to smile, a gasp escaped her lips and every thought went out of her head. Raoul, dressed in a polo shirt and chinos, had just entered the bistro with another man who was dark-blond and looked to be in his mid-thirties. Then she remembered seeing him at the funeral. It was Paul. He’d been the one sitting next to Raoul’s sister.

Raoul’s black gaze surveyed the room, looking for a free table when he zeroed in on Abby. Lines darkened his features to see that she was with his brother. He walked over to them without hesitation and drew up two chairs.

“So this is where you are. Mind if we join you?” he asked, staring directly at her.


ABBY WAS SO happy to see him she blurted, “I’m glad you’ve come!”

The waitress came over and took their orders.

“Abby? You met our brother-in-law, Paul Ridoux, at the funeral. He’s married to Josette.”

“Hello again.”

“Have you enjoyed your day so far?” Raoul inquired as if they were the only ones at the table.

“Very much because I’ve learned a lot. While I was out walking in the vineyard, I met your cousin Gilles and your brother. He took me to the domaine office so I could see all the maps. I’m afraid I studied them too long.”

“You liked the display?” His eyes seemed to pierce hers.

“Who wouldn’t? But a lot of the script was in Old French. I would imagine that would take a long time to learn.”

“Not if the interest is there.”

What did he mean by that? “Do you know this bistro has the funniest name? The Petit Pinot Noir has a ring to it that makes me laugh.”

“I can’t figure out why,” Jean-Marc interjected.

But Raoul could. Suddenly she saw amusement light up his eyes, melting the frost.

Had he been upset because she’d come with his brother? Raoul had given her a look she never wanted to see again. When she got him alone, she’d explain the circumstances.

Soon their meal arrived and the waitress brought two more wineglasses. Raoul reached for the bottle and filled three of the goblets. The other one was Abby’s, but she’d barely touched hers.

“Let’s drink in celebration. The domaine has a new concierge in Jean-Marc, and Paul has just accepted the management of our European investment accounts.” When their father died, Raoul would make Josette the head of the company. “My workload has just been cut in half and no one could be happier than I am. Next week we’ll fly to Paris, Paul, and I’ll introduce you to the groups I’ve been working with.”

“I’ll look forward to that.”

Abby rarely drank alcohol, but this was one time she felt she needed it and picked up her glass to sip some. After they ate, Raoul was the first to break up their meal. He put some bills on the table that covered everyone’s food and got to his feet.

“We’ve all got more work to do before this day is out. Since I have to run Paul back to the château, I’ll take you with us, Abby.”