“I was thinking the same thing,” Ginger murmured. “What I don’t understand is why he feels he has to bribe you. A man as attractive as he is could get his way with a woman anytime without using subterfuge to entice her. He must want you to go with him very badly.”

Not as badly as I want to go.

“That’s what I’m thinking,” Zoe concluded. “I don’t think I could do it, but I guess it all depends on how much he means to you already.”

Abby averted her eyes. “You guys would be shocked if you knew the intensity of my feelings.”

“If they’re that strong, then all I can say is, don’t let him hurt you like Nigel did.”

Heat filled Abby’s cheeks. “That’s my dilemma, Ginger. I don’t want to get involved with him, yet I’m so drawn to him, I can hardly bear the thought of never seeing him again.”

“Then it sounds like you’ve made up your mind to go with him.”

“I don’t know. I believe he’s telling the truth, and he has invited you guys to come too. We could all take a look at it.”

“If it exists,” Ginger interjected. “But let’s face it. You want to be with him, whether he has something to show you or not, right?”

“Yes,” she whispered, “but I need more time to think about it. Why don’t you two take off for Italy so I don’t hold you up. I’m going to have another talk with Raoul this afternoon. If I decide it’s not worth the risk, I’ll fly from Geneva to Venice and meet you there tomorrow. How does that sound?”

Zoe smiled. “Whatever you decide, we’re behind you.”

“Just be careful,” Ginger cautioned before they all hugged.

Since they’d already packed the night before, there was nothing to do but walk them out to the rental car. “We’ll phone each other every day.”

“Absolument,” Abby assured them with one of the French words she loved and waved them off. Then she walked back in the farmhouse to phone Raoul from her bedroom phone. Her heart beat so hard in her throat she could hardly ask Gabrielle to put her through to him.

“Abby—” came his deep voice. “I was wondering if I’d hear back from you. What’s the verdict?”

Maybe she’d regret this, but she couldn’t stop herself. She longed to be with him and nothing else mattered. “The girls have already left for Italy.”

“Which means they don’t believe what I told you.”

She gripped the phone tighter. “They want me to make up my own mind.”

“And have you?”

“Yes. The likening of the vineyards to labyrinths sounded... Byronic. Not every charlatan is that clever.”

There was silence on the other end for a few seconds. “How soon can you be ready to travel and finding out if that label fits me?”

“I’m ready now. If I come with you, it will only be for an overnight. Once I’ve seen the notebook, I’ll be leaving for Italy.”

“I admire you for being more open-minded than your friends.”

Or so much more foolish.

“I’ll pick you up outside in five minutes.”

“In what?”

“It won’t be the Renault.”

“I’m sure Gabrielle and Louis will be relieved. So will I. I wasn’t sure it was going to make it back from the village.”


sp; Abby hung up on his chuckle and hurried to call Gabrielle to thank her for everything. Once that was done, she reached for her suitcase and walked down the stairs, wondering what on earth had come over her. How could she be this excited when she might be welcoming a heartache that could mean her ruination? But somehow it didn’t matter.