“Oh shit. I didn’t see your car, Unc. What’s going on?” Murder asked with a look of confusion.
“It’s in the garage,” Uncle Jimmy answered as he stepped to the side to let Murder in.
Murder was sure not to touch his Uncle, being that he wasn’t sure what he had walked in on. He looked at his Uncle standing next to him in some shorts and slides on. There was no sign of a shirt in the living room or the kitchen as Murder looked around.
“What you and Ms. Ella got going on?” he finally asked.
His Uncle just chuckled and ran his hand down his bare chest.
“You’re the nephew, remember that shit,” Uncle Jimmy said.
nbsp; “That’s facts, but Ms. Ella is like my second mother,” Murder said.
His Uncle balled his face up after hearing that from murder.
“Nah, she not ya mama. Never that, now if you would’ve said auntie then I can agree with that right there. Just go ’head and start calling her Auntie Ella while you’re at it. I’m locking that down, nephew. Nobody is gonna stop me either, not even you,” Uncle Jimmy said.
“Jim-Jim who was at the door?” Ms. Ella called out from down the hall.
“It’s Murder coming for the plates and being nosy. All in grown folks business,” he answered.
Ms. Ella walked in glowing and with a huge smile covering her face. Murder watched as she walked over to his uncle and gave him a kiss that appeared to involve some tongue between the two. Once the kiss was finished, which lasted for a good three to four minutes, Ms. Ella giggled and walked back to the kitchen. Uncle Jimmy was sure to grab a hand full of ass and bite his bottom lip as she walked away from them.
“I put a little extra in Law Baby’s plate. I’m gonna call to make sure she got the right one too, Murder. Don’t make me come up to that hospital and fight you,” she said.
Murder was still looking at his uncle as Ms. Ella talked. Uncle Jimmy could feel Murder looking at him, but he wasn’t going to entertain Murder and his questions right now. All he wanted was for Murder to get the food plates and carry his cock blocking ass on.
Uncle Jimmy and Ms. Ella had been stuck together like glue since meeting at the hospital. Ms. Ella was refreshing to him. She wasn’t one of these older women trying to be younger or acting like they had one foot in the grave already. She was true to herself. She only went to work, home, and church sometimes.
They met each other at the right time. Uncle Jimmy had come to the point in his life that he wanted to settle down. He was done running the streets, drugs, guns, and all that other stuff. He was going to leave that up to the young niggas to deal with. Him coming to America was never about finding a woman who excited him with her body, food, and conversation, but that is exactly what Ms. Ella did for him.
“Damn, Unc, you got it bad, don’t you?” Murder said with a chuckle.
Hearing Murder talking to him made him take his eyes away from the way Ms. Ella moved around the kitchen. His nephew had hit the nail on the head by saying he had it bad.
“I want to take her back home with me for a week or two, but she ain’t with it because of that damn job. I’m working on her, though,” he told his nephew.
“Let me find out you’re gonna get married before me. You looking at her like I’m in the way by just being here. I’ve never seen you like this, Unc. It looks good on you, though. I bet you’re happy as hell you came back to the states now, huh?” Murder said with a smile.
“Get your ass out, lil nigga. Don’t you have somewhere to be that’s other than here?” Uncle Jimmy said.
“Stop it, Jim-Jim. Leave him alone. Murder knows he’s always welcome in my home,” Ms. Ella said with her hands on her wide hips.
Uncle Jimmy gave Murder a look, letting Murder know his visit was about to end. Murder just shook his head.
“I’m gonna get out of here, Ms. Ella, before this old dude have a heart attack,” Murder said as he gave her a kiss on her cheek.
“Don’t worry about him. I’ll handle him,” she said.
“Oh, and I’ll let you handle me too. That’s why this nigga gots to go,” Murder heard Uncle Jimmy say as he left out of the door.
“Why do you have to act like that? You knew he was coming over, and we weren’t even doing anything before he got here,” Ms. Ella asked Uncle Jimmy.
“All he had to do was walk in, get the plates, and leave. There was too much conversation going on with him. You just wanted him to stay so we wouldn’t talk about you coming to Jamaica with me. Why don’t you want to come with me, Ella? I want the real reason too. Don’t keep giving me that job shit because everybody has vacation time. You don’t do shit but go to work, so you should have six months of vacation on the books to take,” Uncle Jimmy told her.
He was due to fly back home in a few days. Before he met Ella, his return trip was going to be just that, him going back home. Now that he had met her and spent time with her, that was going to change. He was only going to stay for a week if she didn’t come with him.