Murder was right there beside her. He turned to give Nikki a look that needed no words to influence her. From that look alone, she knew that she was definitely on borrowed time.

Chapter Five

Allen stood outside of Deshanna’s door trying to decide on if he should knock or just kick the fucking thing in. After hearing all the shit that Nell’s mother was implying and blaming him for, he definitely had some anger to get rid of. He kicked the door in and was greeted with music blasting throughout the house. He could hear Deshanna singing and the shower water running as he got closer to her bedroom. There were clothes laid out on the bed as if she was about to go somewhere.

Allen walked into the bathroom and was surprised that Deshanna hadn’t sensed that she was no longer in the bathroom alone. He stood there for a few minutes thinking that she was about to get out of the shower. When she never did, Allen took it upon himself to get this shit moving. He opened the shower door, grabbed a hand full of Deshanna’s weave, and yanked her out of the shower. Seeing her trying to get her feet planted on the floor in all her nakedness was comical to Allen.

“Oh shit. Allen, what are you doing?” she said.

“Shut the fuck up. Did you really think you were gonna be able to do that shit to my girl and go on about your life?” he asked her.

“Girl? Since when?” she asked, still trying to get his hands out of her weave. “Let go of my hair. It hurts,” she said.

“I should put you head through one of these thin ass walls in this fucking apartment. Stupid ass hoe. It’s dumb hoes like you that make shit bad for the honest hoes who keep it one hundred with niggas,” he argued.

“You didn’t tell me you were talking to someone. How was I supposed to know she meant something to you? I was pissed because you never took me out anywhere like that,” she complained.

“You’re just a fuck to me. Why should I tell you anything? I guess that’s what happens when you fuck a chick more than three times. I would never wife you or take you anywhere besides the backyard to fuck. I’ve never even told your ass shit about me, so how the hell you figure we were anything special?” Allen asked with his face balled up. Nothing she said made any sense to him.

“Why not me? Tell me that,” Deshanna said.

“Fuck you mean why not you? You’ve got a set of twins that you don’t have custody off. You’re not even trying to get them back either. On top of that, you’re still fucking with Monk and Tone,” he said.

Deshanna looked surprised that he even knew about them. She always thought she was being careful enough for them not to know about each other.

“Yeah, with ya hoe ass. We know all about each other. Shit, the last time I fucked you, I went back and met up with them niggas. When you called Monk, he had your dumb ass on speaker talking about how you was playing in ya pussy and shit. I told them that night if they wanted to keep fucking with you that was on them. I have no issues with you being the best hoe you can be, but you didn’t even keep it one hundred about your level of hoeness. That’s why I cut ya ass off. You couldn’t just find another dick to hop on, though, you had to jump on my woman,” he said.

Allen wasn’t planning to putting his hands on her, but before he could stop himself, he slapped the shit out of her. She immediately hit the floor.

“You hit me!” she screamed.

“Obviously, bitch. I know you didn’t think we were just going to talk. You better be happy your ass is still breathing,” he told her. His phone rang, and he answered it, knowing who it was. “Come on in. The door is broke any fucking way,” he said then hung up.

“Who the fuck do you have coming to my house?” Deshanna asked, and Allen only laughed at her.

“Where the hell you at?” a female voice asked.

“We in the bathroom,” he answered.

“Why y’all in here?” the female asked.

“Her ass was in the shower when I got here. Are you by yourself?”

“No, the girls are in the living room. Where the fuck is my money, cousin?” she asked.

Allen laughed because his cousin was always the wild one. Antoinette was smart as hell, but she also was the fighting cousin. She could go to the gas station for gas and end up fighting someone. She wasn’t all that big, but she was known to knock out a few niggas in her day. She wasn’t a talker or anyone who would fight just for anything. Whenever she got into it, she always had reason.

There were always other ways that she could’ve handled the issue, but with her, fighting was the only way to settle things. When Allen called her to let her know he had a problem with a female, she was putting on her shoes before even asking about the issue. Antoinette didn’t care what the problem was. She knew she could kick some ass and make some money doing it, and that’s all she needed to know. Allen dug in his pocket and gave Antoinette the envelope.

“I hope this is enough with your big priced ass,” he said with a smile.

“Hospital or damn near dead?” she asked.

“What the hell is going on, Allen? Who the fuck is this?” Deshanna asked.

Antoinette responded by kicking her in the face.

“Shut the fuck up. Grown folks are talking,” she said.