“Lawrynn, do you see anything?” Murder asked anxiously.

She moved her head around. Blurry shadows were all that she could see. She could make out a few colors but not completely. The colors looked more like a blurred-out picture that you see on social media sites. Amazement that she could see the undefined mess of colors was enough to make her cry. She felt Murder place his hand over hers to comfort her.

“Everything is blurry. I can see some colors, but that’s blurry too,” she said as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

“Can you tell me how many fingers I’m holding up in front of you right now?” the doctor asked.

“No,” she answered.

“I know you may not think this is good, but this is very good news. We’re not going to put the bandages back on. I’m going to give you some dark shades for you to wear. Once you’re released, I’ll give you prescriptions for eye drops. For right now, you need to keep the glasses on at all times, especially when you’re outside. I think you will have to wear the glasses for the next two weeks before we can move you to just the drops. Don’t stress over your progress because everyone’s body is different. There’s no right or wrong way to heal,” the doctor said.

“Okay, Doctor, thank you for all your help,” she told him.

Murder took Lawrynn’s hand and led her out of the office. He knew she said her vision was blurry, but until she could tell him that she could fully see, he wasn’t gonna let her do shit alone. Looking over at her, he saw that she was still crying.

“What’s the deal with the tears?” he asked when they got on the elevator.

“Thank you for being here for me,” she told him.

“I’m ya man. As long as I have breath in my body and a beating heart, you’re gonna be good,” Murder said.

“Do you know if Nikki is still in the hospital?” she asked.

“Yeah, last I heard she was. They have her hooked up to a bunch of monitors and shit according to Pain. Why you ask?”

“I want to go talk to her before we go back to the room.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?”

Murder hadn’t seen Nikki, and he had only exchanged a few text messages with Pain. He wasn’t sure about Lawrynn going to see Nikki, but as long

as he was there, she would be good.

“Did you hear me?” Lawrynn asked when Murder never responded.

“Yeah, I heard ya. I don’t need you going in here to fight that girl. She’s pregnant, and you’re blind. That shit ain’t gonna work,” he told her.

“I just want to talk to her then we can leave,” she told him.

“Okay cool.

They moved in silence to the room that Nikki was in. When they entered, Nikki was on the bed hooked up to a bunch of monitors. Pain was in a chair in the corner pecking away at his phone screen.

“Go ’head and say what you gotta say. She’s looking right at you,” Murder said.

Lawrynn took a deep breath as slid the glasses that the doctor gave her off her face.

“Nikki, I just came by to let you see the damage that you did to me. I may be scarred for the rest of my life, but I’ll never stop living. Never in my life did I think my own cousin would do something so callous to me. What I don’t understand is why you even took it this far. You already had Pain and a baby by him. Why not just go on with your life? I didn’t care about what you and him had going on. He made his choice when he left me. You had already won,” Lawrynn said as tears flowed freely.

Murder caressed her back to show her that he was right there with her.

“Stop making this about you. It’s never been about you,” Nikki fussed. She was sick of Lawrynn always playing the victim.

“You made it about me when you threw that shit in my face. What the fuck are you on?” Lawrynn asked.

“I know you didn’t come here looking for an apology or an explanation because I don’t fucking have none of that. Now, every time you look in the mirror you’ll think of me,” Nikki said with a smile. Murder immediately stopped caressing Lawrynn’s back. “Oh, my bad, you can’t look in a mirror, can you?” she added just to be the bitch that she was.

“You’ll need me before all of this is over,” Lawrynn said as she walked out of the room.