“Mama, you remember when I was in high school and working for Murder and Pain at their carwash and barbershop? Well, Uncle Jimmy would call all the damn time. Just from me answering the phone and shit, we got to talking. He would always threaten me to stay on track and shit like that. I’ve been talking to him once a week since I’ve been in school. I was wondering why I hadn’t talked to him this week. I guess I know now,” Elton said, still laughing.

“Is there anybody that you don’t know?” Ms. Ella asked Uncle Jimmy.

“I just met you, so now nobody else matters,” Uncle Jimmy told her.

“Oh, snap. Playa over here pulling it all out, I see. Unc, I know how you get down, so I don’t have to worry about my mama no more. Just don’t hurt her, man. She deserves the world,” Elton said.

“You damn right she does, and she’ll get it if I have anything to do with it,” Uncle Jimmy said.

“I guess you have some packing to do, Mama,” Elton said with a smile.

“I guess so, son,” Ms. Ella said and smiled back at her baby.

Chapter Four

“You don’t have to stay here with me today. The only thing they’re gonna do is take the patches off, ask me if I see anything, flash a light in my eyes, then put the patches back on again so we can do it all over next week,” Lawrynn complained.

Murder didn’t even bother to look at her or respond to what she said. He just shook his head because each day that went past, it seemed that her attitude got worse and worse. So far, he was doing good with not entertaining the arguments that she tried to start. She couldn’t argue with herself, so he would just let her talk. She was due to go home tomorrow, even though she didn’t know it. The doctor told Murder a few days ago to give him time to get the house prepared for her.

“You need to figure out what you want to eat after we leave the doctor’s office. I’m gonna run and go get it then come right back,” he told her.

They were walking through the halls of the hospital. It would’ve been easier if the doctor came to her in her room, but she needed to learn how to move around until her sight came back.

“I don’t care what you bring back,” she said sadly.

He was definitely going to talk to her about all this sad shit she had going on.

“You need to cheer up, man. I know things ain’t how you want them to be, but you’re still living. Man, what the fuck?” he said out of frustration.

“You don’t have to be here at all since you sound like I get on your nerves,” she told him.

“Just bring your ass before I push your ass in one of these closets and fuck some sense into you. You know I hate repeating myself. I’m not going nowhere, so don’t say no shit like that again,” he told her as he sped up his steps.

Lawrynn got quiet on him, but he knew her well enough to know that she had an attitude with him again today.

They got to the doctor’s office quicker than he expected. Just like always, he helped her take her seat and took the seat next to her. The doctor looked between the two of them, sensing that something was off. He took a deep breath before he started talking.

“Before we start talking about the condition of your eyes, I need to ask you how you are doing mentally and emotionally. I may not be a psychologist but are there any feelings of anger or hurt that you want to discuss?” he asked, looking at both of them.

They were both quiet. Murder was waiting for Lawrynn to talk while Lawrynn was trying to put her feelings into words.

“I feel like I’m a burden on him. He has businesses and things that need to be run. Staying here with me day in and day out can’t be helping him,” she said.

The doctor noticed that Murder was about to say something, so he held a finger up for him not to speak yet.

“I’m sure if he had something that required his attention, he would be doing it. Why is it hard for you to accept that you are his top priority?” the doctor asked.

“I’ve never been anyone’s top priority. Now that I’m blind, things shouldn’t change. I feel like I’ve just brought problems to his life. I’m the reason him and his best friend aren’t as close anymore. Now I have to have someone with me most of the time. I’m just a big problem to him. I know one day he’ll get tired and leave me then I’ll be alone,” she said. Now she was all into her ugly cry.

“You can’t keep thinking that he’s going to leave you. From what I see, he’s all in with you. You are his top priority, and I doubt it’s just because of your condition. How are you handling your feelings? I know some people, especially females, tend to lash out if they are uncomfortable about something. Just sit him down and talk to him. Men sometimes are blind as you are when it comes to women. I love your energy as a couple. In order for you all to stay solid you can always call and talk to me about anything.

“My wife came down with Intraocular melanoma, which is melanoma of the eye, while I was in my last two years of medical school. Unfortunately for her it had spread to her brain, and she passed away a little over a year later after her diagnosis. I understand the situation that you both are in right now. Just be thankful that your vision loss is only temporary, and you still have your good health besides that fact. Now that we have all the emotional stuff out of the way, let’s see how you’re reacting to the drops,” the doctor said as he got up from his desk to walk over to Lawrynn.

Watching the doctor take the bandages off Lawrynn made Murder nervous. His palms were sweaty, and his heart beat was moving faster than usual. The one time before now that they came in for this, Lawrynn was so heartbroken that there had been no change in her eye sight. Remembering her crying for hours after that visit scared Murder. He missed the laughing, smart mouth, feisty, and beautiful Lawrynn that he fell in love with. Knowing she was still in there somewhere hiding made him hurt for her even more. He didn’t want her to lose herself completely behind her stupid ass cousin.

The last bandage was taken off as Murder held his breath.

Lawrynn felt the rush of cool air on her face where the bandages were. She blinked her eyes a few times. A deafening thickness of the air in the room had everyone on pause. Opening her eyes, she looked around. The last time she had done this there was nothing but darkness, but this time was different.