“You’re talking about leaving in a few days, and I can’t put in for the time off and get it approved that quick. I have a house here that needs to be looked after—” Ms. Ella tried to explain. She was cut off by a kiss that Uncle Jimmy had laid on her just to shut her and her excuses up.

“If it was worked out that you could be off for the next three weeks, would you go?” he asked her.

That question gave her pause. She knew if he was asking then there was a chance that he could make it happen. She thought about the fact that she had worked hard all her life. Not being able to leave the state of Virginia for the last twenty-five years suddenly felt uncomfortable to her. At times, she would dream about being able to go to a beautiful island to lay out in the sun. Some of the ladies she worked with would come back from their vacations and tell her all about the clear water, beautiful sunsets, and all the fine men walking the beaches.

“Ella Marie, do you hear me?” Uncle Jimmy asked her.

She rolled her eyes at him. He knew she hated for him to call her name like that.

“What did I tell you about calling me that? If I could go on vacation for three weeks and still have a job when I got back, yes, I would go,” she answered.

Uncle Jimmy heard what she said, and he knew right then that she was in for some Jamaican loving under the sun. He kissed her on the forehead.

“Jim-Jim, don’t make me regret whatever this is that I’m getting myself into,” she told him.

“I got this, woman. You just keep giving me that gooshy-gooshy, and I’ll give your beautiful ass the world,” he said.

Ms. Ella knew that at her age, she didn’t have any business standing there blushing in front of him. Over the years, she had gone on dates with men from church and a couple of lawyers she met while she was at work. They all called her beautiful and gave her compliments, but none of them gave her butterflies and made her all giddy like when Uncle Jimmy would give her one. His touch made her tingle, the kisses made her shiver, and the lovemaking was like nothing else she had ever experienced.

The way he twisted her up and filled her up all at the same time was something that she never thought she would be a part of. Even her son had told her that she needed to get out there and date. He worried about her being home alone all the time. She laughed as she thought about what his reaction would be to her telling him about her new situation. He had brought a few girls to the house for her to meet, but never in a million years did she think the tables would turn like this.

“Jim-Jim, before I leave the country with you, you’re gonna have to meet my son. Once I find out if he’s okay with whatever this is between us, I’ll pack,” she told him.

“Okay, when are you calling him?” Uncle Jimmy asked.

After looking at the clock, she decided now was best time.

“I guess I can FaceTime him now. He bought me a iPhone when he got his so we could at least see each other while he’s away at school,” she told him.

“Well, call his ass then,” Jimmy said.

She took her phone out, pressed the icon, and waited for Elton to pick up.

“Hey, my favorite girl. How are you?” Elton asked as he looked at his mother’s face in the screen.

“Hey, baby, how’s school?” she asked.

“I’m almost done with this semester. I’m tutoring a few of the athletes now, so that’s bringing in some extra money. I heard you’re still selling dinners. You work hard enough on your feet all day at work. Let those fools go find a woman who can cook, so you can relax when you’re off. You can even take one of those four day cruises that leave from Norfolk, Ma. You have to take care of you first. I’ m young, so I c

an get up and do what I need to do. I need you to not work yourself to death because you’ll never see those grandkids that you ask me about every other week,” he told his mother.

Elton appreciated everything his mother had done for him all his life. It was time for her to start living now. She needed to do more than go to work, church, the store, and back to work the next day. Truth be told, he didn’t like her working at the jail period. Elton knew he wasn’t in the position to tell her to quit working, so he was going to try to get her to stop everything else but that.

“I’m glad you said that. I have a new man friend and he wants to take me to Jamaica for a couple of weeks,” she told him.

“Word? It ain’t one of those players from church is it?” he asked. Elton always told his mama that the single men in church were the biggest hoes he had ever seen.

“No, his name is Jimmy. As a matter of fact, he’s right here,” she said and moved the phone, so Elton could see Uncle Jimmy sitting next to her.

Ms. Ella was as nervous as a prostitute at a police convention.

“Uncle Jimmy! Oh, hell nah. What your old behind doing next to my mama?” Elton said with a big smile on his face.

“E, is that you, lil’ nigga? How are them grades doing?” Uncle Jimmy said with a laugh.

Ms. Ella sat there with her mouth open, trying to understand what was really going on right now. She was scared to death at first, but now she was upset at how these two were laughing and talking like they were long lost friends.

“Hold on, wait a minute. How do y’all know each other?” she asked with a slight attitude.