“Let me know if you wanna changes teams, softie,” the guard whispered in her ear as she ground her lower half into Laura’s ass.

Is that a fucking strap, I feel? Laura asked herself.


you feel it,” the guard said as she finished molesting Laura’s body. “You’re definitely good to go. Don’t forget what I said,” the guard said and licked her chapped, nasty looking lips.

Laura wasted no time walking into the visiting area. She scanned the room for Mike-Mike and saw him sitting at a table in the middle of the room. Their eyes met, and she headed toward him. He looked at her like he was trying to figure out what the hell was really going on.

“Hey, Mike,” Laura said as she sat down.

“Fuck all that. What the fuck is really going on?” Mike asked. He knew something had to go down that was really bad for her to turn on her sister like this. “What’s the real reason why you’re helping me out? I’m saying, I been in this motherfucker for damn near twelve years. What the fuck you doing all this for?” he asked.

Mike-Mike wasn’t one to hold his tongue, and he knew her so-called help was dressed in a garment of bullshit.

“My conscience started getting to me. I just want all the secrets out in the open,” she said, telling a half truth.

“You don’t have a soul, so that conscience lie, you can keep. I’m a smart nigga, so I already knew that it was La-La who set my ass up. Back then, she was like second skin to me. That’s what I get for putting my all in some bitch that’s some kin to your grimy ass. I didn’t know you knew about the shit, though. I’m gonna tell you now, thank you for helping me out. My lawyer told me whatever it was that you gave him will set my ass free immediately.

Now that all the soft shit is put to the side, let your sister know I’m coming for her ass sho’nuff. I haven’t decided what I’m gonna do with you yet. I’m sure once I get out, I’ll be able to find out why your ass pulled this card in the first place,” Mike-Mike said, and then he rose from the table and walked away, leaving her there alone and scared.

Chapter Twenty-One

Murder had pushed the party back a week after Lawrynn found out that Nikki was her sister. Lawrynn tried to act like it didn’t bother her at first, but everyone knew better. Murder was right there by her side, just like with everything else. Pain had even been coming to check on them. Today was the day, though, and Murder was relieved. He was tired of keeping this secret from her. He knew that this would put a smile on her face, which he desperately needed do.

Murder had left the house after telling her he had a meeting but he was sitting at the club with Allen simply because he knew if he stayed home she’d be questioning him to death.

Murder was nervous and amused at the same time. He had one of the barbers go pick up Lawrynn to drop her off at the so-called birthday party. She was pissed when he called and told her that he had a last minute business meeting to attend. He laughed at the conversation.

“Law Baby, I’m sending Ali to come pick you up. I have a last minute meeting to go to. It’s about the new club I want to open. I know it’s cliche as fuck for a nigga to open a club, but this shit may pay off for both of us,” he told her.

“If you’re not gonna be there yet, then why the hell do I need to be there? You do know my sight is back. I can just drive my damn self,” she said.

“Why would you drive, and I already have a car out? That don’t make sense to have two cars out at the same spot. Just be ready when the man gets there. Don’t give him a bunch of bullshit either, Lawrynn. He’s doing me a favor. Please be nice,” he said while holding in his laugh.

“What time are you getting there? I’m not trying to be there without you for too long. I might have to fight some thirsty nigga off,” she teased.

“Just make sure you’re ready when Ali gets there. He’s gonna call me then I’ll call you to come out the house. You know how I feel about niggas being in my house when I’m not there. I promise I’ll make all this shit up to you tonight,” he coaxed.

“I guess I can get in the car when he gets here, but you owe me. You know we’re supposed to walk in together,” she whined.

“I know, but I got you later, I promise. I love you, Law Baby,” he said, trying to sweeten her up.

“You better love me. Let me go get ready since I can’t drive myself,” she told him.

“Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would do without you,” Murder said before ending the call.

Murder put the phone down beside the blue velvet box that was sitting in front of him. Tonight was the night he’d finally stop saying he was going to propose. He was nervous because he knew how she felt about surprises that are this big. Flowers or a surprise trip out of town were as far as she liked in the surprise department. This, on the other hand, was something on another level. He had her family in attendance, even her damn mama. All of his people were going to be there as well.

“This is it for you, nephew,” Uncle Jimmy said as he watched his nephew contemplate what he was going to do.

“Yeah, I’m nervous as fuck, though. I shouldn’t be so messed up about this. We’ve been practically stuck to each other since Nikki did that fuck shit. I would lose my shit if she wasn’t at the house with me every night,” he said.

“Then what’s the problem? I know she’s the one for you, but if you want to keep pussy footing around here then call the shit off. I know I’m not gonna lie and tell her it’s my damn birthday. I’m old enough as it is, so I don’t need any other birthdays fake or not,” Uncle Jimmy fussed.

“Does Pain know about this shit?” Uncle Jimmy asked.

“He should, but I haven’t talked to him about the party other than asking him if he was coming. He’s been at the house checking on me and Law-Baby. He just stays for about ten or fifteen minutes then he leaves. I think he’s bringing Connie with him. He said that he’s been talking to her more since Nikki’s shit came to light. He did tell me that she’s been calling him, but he doesn’t know what for, and he’s not accepting her calls,” Murder said, shaking his head. “I did talk to him about being the best man a while back though,” he added.