“I think I have some information that will help him get released way before he’s due,” she told him.

Scott Taylor sat up in his seat. He had been working on the Aries case for months. You didn’t have to have a law degree to know that Michael was framed and targeted by the overly eager detectives of the Norfolk police. The hard part was having conclusive proof that the frame even took place. Scott being the up and coming defense attorney in the area, he wasn’t going to give up on the case, no matter how long it took to prove what he already knew.

“What kind of information is it?” he asked.

“I don’t want to discuss it on the phone. When is the earliest time I can come to your office?” Laura asked.

“I’m in the office now. You have my attention, so if you can make your way here now, I won’t leave until I talk to you about whatever this evidence is that you think you have,” Scott told Laura.

“I have one stop to make. I can be to your office in forty-five minutes,” she told him.

“I’ll be here waiting for you,” he told her before they ended the call at the same time.

Laura smiled all the way to the bank. Her poker chip was in a safety deposit box. It was time to put that poker chip to work. Her sister would most likely fight her when she finds out that Laura was behind the events that are sure to take place once she drops this folder on the lawyer’s desk.


Scott Taylor looked at the woman sitting across from him. If he would’ve met her under different circumstances, he would try to take her out on a date or two. Instead, she was there on business, very important business. If he was able to get Michael Aries off and get the bad detectives at the same time, it would be like a Christmas sale in the middle of July.

“What do you have for me?” he asked Laura.

She pulled out a large envelope and tossed it onto his desk.

“Look in there. Once you get past the pictures, it makes for a very good read,” Laura told him.

He opened the folder and out fell a small cassette tape, what looked to be phone records, and some more papers

“Is this Michael’s baby mama?” he asked as he looked at the raunchy pictures.

“Yes, that’s my sister, La-La,” she answered.

“Sister?” he asked looking up from the pictures.

“Yeah, my sister,” she confirmed.

“You do know this is some heavy shit that you’re handing me. Your sister could go to jail for this shit,” he told Laura.

“Yup,” she answered, making sure to pop the ‘p’ at the end.

“Are you sure you want me to use this?” he asked.

“Yes, I am. I just want justice to be done. Michael Aries was set up and perjury was committed, all because of some bitter woman. Too bad that woman is my sister,” Laura answered.

Scott Taylor didn’t know what this woman’s sister did to piss her off, but he would be sure to not get on her bad side.

Chapter Twenty

The sound of the handcuffs clicking shut make Nikki cry harder. She thought she had the perfect plan to get Pain back for turning his back on her when he tried to put her out, and she didn’t understand what went wrong. She was hurt and confused all at once.

“I don’t understand why you’re saying I’m the one under investigation and not the man who pushed me down the stairs,” she told the detective.

“You may not be aware, but your fiancé had security cameras set up in his house that ran twenty-four seven,” the detective said.

He watched the color drain from Nikki’s face.

“Can you tell me that again?” Nikki asked the detective.

“At the time of your accident, there were cameras rolling and recording the whole thing,” the detective told her. He waited a few moments for her to digest the information before continuing with what he had to say. “Is there any reason you want to bring harm yourself for your child?” the detective asked.