“I told her, La. Lawrynn finally knows the truth,” Laura cried.

“How did that turn out?” La-La asked.

“She cussed me out and watched as Kelvin’s ass choked the life out of me,” Laura said.

“That nigga choked you? For what?” La-La asked.

“Because, I got tired of her talking to me like I’m just some bitch, so I slapped the shit out of her ass,” Laura answered.

“Are you crying?” La-La asked.

“What the hell do you think, Laura? One daughter hates me while the other doesn’t even know I’m her mother. Don’t forget one has it out for the other one along with being a hoe. My baby daddy just came back from wherever the fuck he was. Hell fucking yeah, I’m crying,” Laura said sarcastically.

“Don’t get all in your feelings with me. You’re the one who put all this shit in motion when you started fucking around with Polo. I told you not to do that, just like I told you not to give Nikki away. Once that trust is broken, nothing can fix a relationship. You should’ve told that girl who she was and took her back years ago,” La-La nagged.

“Oh, so your ass must be perfect this week, huh? Your ass is just as sneaky as my black ass. Stop trying to play that sweet, sweet roll. You keep playing with me, and I’m gonna pull your fucking card too. Your black ass will be crying right next to me. We’re fucking sisters, and we’re just alike. It’s in the blood,” Laura said.

“You sound dumb as hell. Nikki and Lawrynn are sisters, and they damn sure don’t act alike. I don’t know, though, after Murder finishes turning Lawrynn out with that thug nigga dick, she might end up hiding a damn kid just like her mama.” La-La laughed.

“I don’t find that shit funny. You knew my reason for giving her away like I did,” Laura said.

“Yeah, I know what you said the reason was. I’ve got one question, though. If that was the reason, why didn’t you go get Nikki back when he left anyway?” La-La asked.

“Every time I saw her, she reminded me of what I did. I couldn’t take it, so I did what I had to do,” Laura explained.

“Still sounds like bullshit to me. I would’ve raised my damn kid. Maybe, if you had gone back for her then maybe she wouldn’t be the hoe she is now,” La-La said in a judgmental tone.

“When’s the last time you talked to Mike-Mike?” Laura asked.

She was tired of La-La acting like her shit was golden when she was just as flawed, if not more.

“Why the hell you keep bringing him up? His ass is in jail just like he was yesterday,” La-La said.

“I thought he was appealing his sentence,” Laura said.

She knew what her sister had done. La-La thought she was so fucking smart, but Laura was about to put he know it all sister on the spot. Truth be told, Laura was still pissed at the fact that La-La had been in constant communication with Kelvin. She felt betrayed by most of her family, so now it was time to start striking back. La-La was at the top of the list.

Laura knew she had to be careful with how she told Nikki that she was her daughter. She had suspected that Nikki was susceptible to having a mental breakdown of some type. The more time she spent with Nikki, the more she saw how vulnerable she really was. Every night she prayed for both of her girls. Lawrynn may hate her and Nikki may not know her as her mother, but she most definitely prayed for both of them like a mother should.

“He is, as far as I know. Anyway, I think you need to come down here to see about Nikki. She finally woke up, which is good and all that. The thing is, she told the people that

Pain pushed her down the stairs. Me personally, I think she’s lying. I don’t know how she got down them stairs, but I doubt Pain pushed her. Something don’t seem right with her. I’ve been calling Nell, but she’s not answering. I’m gonna have to do another pop up,” La-La said.

“You can’t keep popping up at Allen’s house like that. He’s gonna get tired of your messy ass and make Nell not fuck with you anymore. Mark my words, you’re gonna feel it sooner or later,” Laura said.

“Says the bitch who’s hiding kids and shit. You can’t advise me on shit in life,” La-La said.

“Fuck you,” Laura told her.

“Nah, I’m good, love, enjoy. You wanting to fuck two best friends is the reason why you’re looking crazy, crying and shit in the car,” La-La said and laughed. Laura was tired of La-La and her fucking jokes. She had something for that ass, though. It was time to put her dear sister in her place.

Laura didn’t even bother to tell La-La goodbye. She just ended the call so she could make the second most important call of her life.

“Scott Taylor, attorney at law,” the man answered the phone.

“Are you the attorney for Michael Aries?” Laura asked.

“Yes, I am. How can I help you?” he asked.