“You’re free to go. She’ll be charged with making a false report as soon as I write up the paperwork,” the detective said.
“We also would like for her to be held and a complete psych evaluation done on her. It’s clear that something is wrong with her. She’s a danger to herself and the public. I’m sure you’ll agree,” Pauletta said as she and Pain stood to their feet. The detective allowed them to walk out When they got outside of the precinct, Pauletta looked at Pain and shook her head. “Go home and stay away from the hospital. I’m sure she’ll be informed of what’s going on by the morning, if it takes that long,” she told him.
“No problem for me. Thanks for all your help,” he said.
“Don’t get it twisted. I only do it because you pay me,” she said with a smile before walking away.
Pain ordered an Uber then waited so he could go home and finally relax in peace. Tomorrow morning, he was going to call Connie because they had some things to discuss.
Chapter Eighteen
Murder went to open the door dressed in some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. He smirked when he saw Laura on the other side of the door. In the next second, he closed the door right in her face.
Lawrynn was in the kitchen cooking. She heard the door but was confused when she didn’t hear Murder talking or see anyone with him when he came back in the kitchen. She watched him walk to the fridge and get an individual bottle of orange juice, open it, and take a drink from it.
“Who was at the door?” she asked.
“Oh, ya mama,” he casually said and walked back to his man cave.
Lawrynn shook her head at him and walked to the door to see if her mother was still there.
“Come in, Ma. What brings you by?” Lawrynn asked, knowing that it had something to do with her father being back in town.
In all the action last night, she didn’t get a chance to ask Murder how he ended up with her father in the first place.
“I came to see how you were doing,” Laura answered.
“Ma, I don’t mean to be rude or offend you in any way, but I call bullshit. You haven’t been coming to see me the whole time I was recovering, and now, today of all days, you just happen to stop by. Why are you here, Ma?” she asked again, looking Laura in the eyes.
“Why are you looking at me like that? I told you why I’m here,” Laura said, trying to plead her case.
“Because I know I’m not the only reason for you not to be sitting in the hospital with your precious niece, Nikki. We all know that by now, so what’s the point of this visit? If you’re gonna keep lying, you can just keep that shit to yourself and get out. Life is too short to be playing games with my time,” Lawrynn said.
“It’s a damn shame. You’re even acting like his rude ass,” Laura said, shaking her head.
“Goodbye, Mother,” Lawrynn said.
“Okay, okay. I guess by the way you’re acting, you know your father’s back in town,” Laura said.
“Yes, he came by yesterday,” Lawrynn answered. Laura began to look nervous, maybe even scared in Lawrynn’s opinion. “What else is going on? Why do you look so nervous?” she asked her mother.
“Because she has something she’s scared to tell you,” Kelvin said as he came around the corner. He was in the man cave with Murder trying to get to know his future son-in-law.
“How could you trick me like this? You said he came over here yesterday. You never said he was still here,” Laura complained.
“You just assumed he wasn’t here. Why are you so nervous, Ma?” Lawrynn asked again.
Kelvin stood behind Lawrynn and folded his arms across his chest. He was anxious to see what the hell was about to come out of Laura’s mouth. Laura stood there fidgeting and looking around.
“Tell her in the next five minutes, or I will,” Kelvin said, forcing her hand.
“You have a sister,” Laura blurted out.
“Ma, you’re doing all this because Daddy has other kids? Why are you so nervous? He’s been gone from us this long, I pretty much assumed he had other kids,” Lawrynn said.
“I don’t have any other kids, Lawrynn,” Kelvin said, looking at Laura.
Lawrynn looked around for a minute or two.