Seeing them both crying and loving each other let Murder know he had done the right thing. This was one time he was okay that Lawrynn was crying because they were clearly tears of joy.

Chapter Seventeen

Pain sat at Nikki’s bedside so angry that his face felt hot. Everyone had finally left. He was sitting in the dark staring at Nikki as she slept. How could someone be so damn evil? There was no way she should be doing this right now.

Pain watched the nurses come and go, but Nikki didn’t move. He leaned over and brushed her hair back with his hand.

“It’s rare to see a man who loves a woman like you love her,” the nurse said as she came in to check Nikki’s vital signs once again.

“You hear that, bitch? Wake your ass up so I can love your ass to death. You better hope and pray that you die before I get a chance to fucking kill you,” he whispered directly into her ear before giving her a kiss on the cheek, which caused the nurse to smile at him again.

“Don’t worry, she’ll wake up, and you’ll be able to have your way with her and love her all you want to. I just love young, black love. Love her deeply. The lord hasn’t kept her around this long for nothing. Appreciate and value the time that you both have left with each other. One day you’re here and they next day you’re gone. No one knows when their time is up,” she said before leaving the room.

Bitch, please, I know when this motherfucker’s time is gonna be up, Pain thought.

The door opened, and in walked La-La, but to Pain’s surprise, she was alone this time.

“Don’t tell me you’re by yourself?” he asked her. She didn’t say anything, but she was sure to roll her eyes. “Seeing you alone is like realizing that Ralph and Johnny really left New Edition. Some shit I never thought I would see, but I’m rooting for New Edition to get back together. You two, I couldn’t care less about,” Pain said.

“What the hell are you talking about? That’s my sister. We’re always gonna be together, even when we’re not together. She went to see Lawrynn, so I came to check on Nikki. Ain’t no harm in that,” she told him.

Pain knew that if Laura went to see Lawrynn, it was only because of her baby daddy popping back up after all these years. He knew some fireworks were going on wherever they were. He laughed at the thought of Murder and Kelvin beating Laura’s ass.

He saw that La-La was staring at him.

“What?” he asked.

“What the hell you laughing at?”

“None of your fucking business. You’re here to check on her, not me.”

“Why are you even still here? You made it clear that you were only looking out because of the baby. Well, there’s no more baby, so why the fuck are you here?” she asked him.

“I need to make sure this bitch knows the error of her ways,” Pain said.

“What damn ways? You were helping her errors, if I remember completely. Don’t act like your house ain’t made of glass since you’re over here throwing stones and shit. Niggas get on my fucking nerves. Y’all the first ones to forget the fucked-up shit that y’all do. Oh shit, you can’t forget though, huh? You remember that shit every time you see Murder with her, don’t ya?” she said. Pain rolled his eyes. She was being the messy bitch that she’d always been. “Your ass is quiet now, I see,” she said and laughed.

Nikki started to wake up, getting both of their attention. La-La jumped up while Pain just sat there looking at her.

“Why are you just sitting there? Go get a nurse or at least press the call button,” she fussed as she rushed to Nikki’s side.

Pain casually picked up the call button and pressed it. He then put it back just as casually as he picked it up. The nurse came in with the doctor behind her.

“I see somebody’s up right on time. I was on my way to check on you when the nurse’s page went off. It’s great to see you awake. I know you’re somewhat sore and out of sorts. Other than that, how do you feel?” the doctor asked.

“My baby, where’s my baby?” she asked.

“I’m sorry. When you came in, the baby was in distress, and we had to deliver him by C-section. He was born without a heartbeat,” the doctor said.

Pain sat and watched Nikki interact with the doctor. When he told her about the loss of the baby, he could swear on a room of bibles that he saw a little smile. It was small, but he had fucking seen it. Then, just that quick, she turned her head to him with tears in her eyes.

“Are you fucking happy now? You never wanted me or my baby. The baby’s dead now, so you got your wish,” she said to him as La-La rushed to hold her in her arms.

Pain said nothing at all and showed no emotion at all for her little rant. He knew the show was just beginning.

“Please try to calm down. The last thing you need is for your blood pressure to spike,” the doctor said, trying to calm Nikki.

“I will not calm down until this murderer gets out of my room. Somebody call the police. He pushed me down the stairs. He made me lose my baby. It’s his fault that I’m here. Get him away from me. He might kill me next!” she yelled.