“Who knows what happened here?” the officer asked, finally taking his eyes off Murder.
“She jumped down the stairs,” Pain said.
“Which one of you assholes pushed her? Save all of us some time and just tell the damn truth for once. We all know she didn’t jump down the steps on her own. Who wants to speak up?” the officer asked.
“Nobody open your mouth. Officer, I will have you know, your supervisor is on the way. I nor my clients have anything to say to you. You can go sit in your car until your boss gets here,” Pauletta Schwartz, the attorney who Murder had on retainer said.
Murder smirked as he watched Pauletta in action. She was a cold bitch when she was in her element, and that’s why he made sure she was on his team. The best thing about her was she was a very proud lesbian. That meant he didn’t have to worry about her being intimidated by men or being fucked by them to sway her loyalty.
The officer didn’t go to his car, but he did stand to the side and wait for the supervisor to come. The supervisor came within the next ten minutes. He looked at the officer and pointed to the door. That was the officer’s cue to leave the house.
“Is there a reason you called me out here, Pauletta?” Jim Morgan, the officer’s supervisor asked.
“You’re one of the few officers I trust at your precinct, Jim. Don’t act like you didn’t know that already. I called you here because there is some surveillance footage I want you to see before we hand it over to your incompetent officers. This footage shows that my client told the truth to your patrol officer, who didn’t even entertain a word my client said,” Pauletta told Captain Morgan.
“Lead the way, and this better be good,” he said.
She was relieved that Murder had called her before Pain touched the tape. Being the kick ass lawyer that she was, she told Pain to leave the tape where it was. If he would’ve taken it out, the police could easily claim that the tape could’ve been tampered with. Leaving it in the machine gave the cops less wiggle room.
They got to the room, played the tape, and Pauletta waited for him to say something.
“I’ll bag the tape up. We still need him to come down and make a statement. We know you’re coming with him, so come on so I can get back to my wife,” he said and walked toward the front door.
Chapter Fifteen
Laura and La-La rushed into the hospital. All the guys were in the waiting area shaking their heads. Those two were constantly putting a bad taste in everybody’s mouth. Everywhere they went, drama was sure to follow.
“Them rushing down here like they gonna do something is getting old as fuck,” Allen said.
He got up to walk out because he wanted no parts of the side show that was about to happen.
“No need to run, Allen, it’s not about you today,” La-La said with a smile.
“I ain’t running, you old ass bully,” he said to La-La while looking at her like he could kill her. She smirked at him like she was sure he wasn’t going to do anything to her. “One of y’all call me and let me know what’s going on,” Allen said before leaving.
“Which one of y’all gonna let me know what’s going on today? Since the girls have been messing with y’all, they spend more time in this damn hospital than the people who work here. Which one of y’all did it this time?” Laura asked.
“Why are you even here? Have you even checked on your daughter today?” Murder asked.
Laura rolled her eyes at him. He only chuckled and left it alone. She was gonna eat all her words and lies soon enough.
“I know she’s good. You didn’t answer my question, though. Which one of y’all put Nikki in here this time?” Laura asked.
“You two really need to get the fuck on with all that cackling y’all are doing. Every time you two come around, it’s always some shit. Just sit down like the rest o
f us and wait for the doctor to tell us what’s going on,” Uncle Jimmy said.
“Your old ass needs to get away from these kids anyway. I’ve never seen an old ass person who wants to be around a bunch of kids all the time. You not gonna get any younger, no matter how much young pussy gets thrown your way,” La-La said.
“I guess it’s a good thing he understands the importance of some good vintage pussy then. Ain’t that right, baby?” Ms. Ella said when she came in.
No one heard or expected her to come up there. She walked over to Uncle Jimmy and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Laura and La-La turned their noses up at Ms. Ella as if that would faze her.
“Hey, baby, did you bring what I asked you to bring?” Uncle Jimmy said, being sure to caress her ass with his hand.
“Yeah, I’m right here,” Kelvin said as he walked into the waiting area with all eyes on him.
Laura’s mouth dropped open as she took two steps back.