I’m happy as hell that I have the cameras in here that her dumb ass don’t know about.

“I promise you, I’ll jump, and you’re gonna go to jail for it. No more time to spend with the doctor bitch that’s trying to take you away from your family. She’s not gonna want you when she finds out you pushed me down the steps. Murder isn’t gonna be able to get your ass out of this one. Don’t drop the damn soap. You can change it by telling me you love me. That’s all you have to say, and everything will be fine,” she told him.

“I ain’t telling your crazy ass shit,” Pain said.

Nikki released a crazy laugh that he’d never heard before, then she closed her eyes and let her body fall.

Chapter Fourteen

“Jimmy, stop kissing me all in the face. I need to sleep. Why can’t you just get in the bed like normal people?” Ms. Ella said.

Uncle Jimmy had just come in from getting Kelvin set up at a hotel and dropping Murder off. The party was in two days, so they had to keep Kelvin tucked away for just as long. He hoped everything went well and nothing came up to throw off the plan they had.

“Hush up, woman. I came in here to get some sugar from my sugar jar. I know you not sleeping with all these clothes on. We talked about this, Ella,” Uncle Jimmy said, sounding irritated. He was hoping to come in and slide into his woman, but that wasn’t happening.

“You must be crazy if you think my old behind is gonna be sleeping naked. What if the house catches on fire? Anything can happen around here. I don’t need the paramedics or police coming in here looking all at my body,” Ms. Ella said and hoped he understood.

“I’ll tell you what, if I come in here again and I gotta fight through all these clothes to get to what’s mine, we gonna have a problem. Come on over here and give me some loving,” he told her as he pulled the covers back.

Jimmy’s phone rang as he was about to put one of her nipples in his mouth. “Shit,” he said as he reached his hand out to get the phone. “This better be a call about somebody dying or damn near dead,” he said as his form of hello.

“She still has a pulse, but that shit is hard to find. I need ya help, Uncle Jimmy,” the voice said on the other end of the phone.

“Pain? Who the hell still got a pulse?” he asked as he sat up.

“Nikki. We were arguing, and she dove down the stairs,” he said, sounding calm but worried at the same time.

“Hang up, we’ll be there in a minute,” Uncle Jimmy said and hung up. He called Murder as soon as the first call ended.

“What up, Unc?” Murder answered.

“We gotta get to Pain’s house. Something went on over there. He just called me talking about her pulse is hard to find. I don’t give one solid shit about what y’all beefing about right now. We family, and we’re gonna act like a family. Just don’t trust that nigga around ya woman. Get your ass up and meet me there. Y’all can go back to being mad after this shit is cleared up. Call Allen too. I was about to get some coochie when that nigga called, so y’all will get there before me,” Uncle Jimmy said and ended the call.

“You don’t have time to play. You gotta go help those boys out,” Ms. Ella told him.

“Woman, let me do this. I didn’t take my pill yet, so it won’t take long at all,” he said as he kissed her neck.

She giggled but let her man have his way with her.

After the most intense ten minutes of his life, Unc

le Jimmy was headed to Pain’s house. He hoped that Murder listened to him and came to his friend’s aid. When he pulled up, relieved to see Murder and Allen’s cars parked in front of the house. As he walked up to the house, he got a little nervous because of how quiet it was. He stepped in to see all three of them standing over the pregnant body of Nikki.

“What the fuck y’all just standing around looking for? Is she breathing?” he asked.

“Yeah, barely, but she is,” Allen answered.

“Don’t move her. Call 911!” Uncle Jimmy said.

“911 for what?” Pain asked.

“Nigga, don’t you see her ass on the floor? What the fuck do you think we’re supposed to do with her ass? We not doctors or nurses, so go get the damn phone,” Uncle Jimmy said.

“They’re gonna think I pushed her ass down the stairs,” Pain said.

“Did you?” Murder asked.

Pain had forgot he was even there.