“Why were you eavesdropping outside my door?” he asked.

“I wasn’t, I was only outside your door for a minute or two. I was going to knock then I heard your dad talking to you, so I walked away,” she lied.

“If you walked away while we were talking, why were you just walking in the room when I came out. You have a bathroom in your room, so you can’t say you were using the bathroom. So, what were you listening for?” he asked.

“I thought I was free to walk around here. I told you what happen. Why can’t you believe me and leave it alone?” she whined.

“You need to start packing. You’re lying to my face, and we both know you’re lying, but you won’t stop lying. That makes me think that my dad was right. I’ll call the nurse, so she can meet you at your place. I’ll keep paying the nurses, but you’ve got to go,” Pain told her.

Nikki jumped to her feet with anger showing on her face. The tears were now a distant memory.

“What the fuck? You told me I didn’t have to sit over there alone all the time. That’s gonna drive me crazy. You’re gonna keep your word to me. You owe me that much,” she said to him.

“Your fake ass not crying no more, I see. If you weren’t in the hospital for so long, I would doubt you were even pregnant right now. Your ass needs a damn psych evaluation. Something is seriously wrong with your crazy ass,” Pain told her.

“Don’t call me crazy, Pain,” Nikki said.

“I’m not calling you shit. I’m saying your ass is crazy. Your crazy ass is fucking psycho, and you’re gonna get out of my damn house,” Pain said.

He turned to walk out of the room, but he felt something hard hit the back of his head. Then he heard something hard drop on the floor. Looking down, he saw the remote to the television on the floor.

“You throwing shit at me now?” he asked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Get the fuck out my room,” she told him.

“Pack ya shit, man. I’m dropping your ass off at your place. I shouldn’t have brought your ass here in the first place. It’s all good because you’re getting out of here today.” he told her.

“I’m not going any fucking where. I’m pregnant with your fucking kid. Only a fuck nigga would put his pregnant baby mama out,” she said with a smirk.

“My fuck nigga status was solidified when I fucked you while I was dating your cousin. That name calling shit don’t mean nothing to me. Get your ass up and start packing, or I’ll just drop you off with the clothes on your back,” Pain fussed.

“The only way I’m leaving here is if you pick my big ass up and carry me out of here. I’m not going no fucking where,” she reiterated.

“That’s what you think with your crazy ass,” Pain said.

“STOP FUCKING CALLING ME CRAZY!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Stop doing crazy shit. Look, I’m not gonna keep doing this with you. Bring your ass, man,” Pain said.

He went to the kitchen to get his keys off the counter. Nikki pushed him down and went to get the keys first. Then she picked them up and stuffed them in her bra.

“What the fuck is ya problem, man?” Pain asked.

“We’re gonna be a family. I finally got a chance to have a family. A real family that loves me. You’ll love me, and this baby’s gonna love me. A family with love, that’s what we’ll be. I know you can picture it,” she told him.

“Family? What the hell are you talking about? We’re not together. You have family, man, it ain’t like you’re adopted or some shit. Your scheming ass aunties were just over here. What the hell is wrong with you?” Pain said.

He was truly confused by what she was saying. Her family didn’t fuck with her now because of the shit she did, but it wasn’t always that way.

Nikki took off back up the steps mumbling to herself. Pain was gonna go after her, but he just stood at the bottom of the steps.

“Tell me we’re gonna be a family, Pain,” she told him from the top of the stairs.

“Hell nah,” he said.

“If you don’t say we’ll be a family, I’ll jump down these stairs and tell everybody you pushed me,” Nikki said with a smile.

“But, you mad I’m calling you crazy. Think about the shit you just said. Who jumps down some fucking stairs? What if you lose the baby?” he asked.