“When you’re in a relationship, both parties have to be happy. She wasn’t happy with you. Let her be happy with him,” Connie told him.

He wanted to sit and talk to her some more, but his phone kept ringing.

“Hello,” he answered.

“Here it is I’m on bedrest, and you not being here with me sucks,” Nikki whined into the phone.

“Is anything wrong with you?” Pain asked. He put his head down because he knew what her answer was going to be.

“Yeah, my stomach hurts a lot. I’m tired of just sitting here all day. You don’t give a shit about me, it’s all about this baby. One day you’re gonna regret treating me like this,” she told him.

“If I come to the house and nothing is wrong with you, I’m gonna slap the shit out of you,” Pain said before ending the call.

He turned to walk out of the room.

“Pain, let that other girl be. As long as you’re connected to her cousin, you will never have peace. Don’t take her peace because you gave up yours,” Connie told him.

He gave her a head nod and continued out of the office.

Connie sat at her desk looking at the door. She could see the good in Pain even if he couldn’t see it, and she hoped he took her advice and let his ex-girlfriend have some type of happiness. Connie would be surprised if his baby mama made it through the entire pregnancy. She was already on bedrest for stress, and here she was making everybody’s life a living hell. Connie had learned that in the midst of people trying to destroy others, they often end up destroying themselves. She said a silent prayer that Pain could find some type of peace in his life.

Chapter Twelve

Murder was packing his bag to go out of town as Lawrynn sat in the room pouting because the trip was unexpected. Her vision was eighty percent back. Although she was comfortable being in the house by herself for the two days that Murder would be gone, she still felt incomplete with the thought of him not being there with her. They had been together so much that him not being around was sure to be a struggle.

“Why are you sitting there looking like that? I’m only going to be gone for two days. Uncle Jimmy’s gonna be with me. Ms. Ella will come check on you. I know all you’re gonna do is sit around the house and listen to those dumb ass shows you like to hear so much. When I get back, you should be going to the doctor to get those glasses off. Are you ready to look me in the eye?” he asked.

Lawrynn nodded and let a few tears fall. Murder wiped the tears and kissed her cheek.

“Don’t get in any trouble,” she told him.

“It’s not that type of trip. You worry too much. I just gotta go check out some information. It’s all good I promise,” he told her as he went back to packing his bags. His phone rang, and he answered it, knowing who it was. “I’m about to come out now,” he said quickly before ending the call.

Murder walked over to Lawrynn and gave her a nice, slow, sloppy kiss. He didn’t know why he didn’t stop the kiss because it definitely woke his body up. Although he had done things to Lawrynn’s body while she was in recovery, they hadn’t made love yet. He wanted to wait until she could see the love in his eyes, and he see the same in hers. After what she had gone through, she deserved that and so much more.

“I love you, Maurice,” she told him.

“I love you too. I’ll be back before you know it. I promise,” Murder said.

Murder gathered his bag up and went out the door. He felt his feet getting heavier with every step. Not only did he not want to leave her, but he also didn’t like not telling her the whole truth, but this was something that needed to be done. They needed answers, and the people there weren’t coming up off those any time soon.

“You didn’t tell her where you were going?” Uncle Jimmy asked as he pulled the car onto the street.

“No, I didn’t want to tell her and get her hopes up. I don’t know where this niggas head is at. If everything goes well, then I’ll tell her everything. Right now, I just need some fucking answers,” Murder said.

The ride to the airport was a quiet one. Murder was swamped with thoughts different possible outcomes of the visit that he was about to make. He had never met a woman’s parents that he dealt with, but just like with everything else, Lawrynn was bringing him out of his normal shit. Not only was he about to meet her father, he was going to pretty much question him about what the hell was up with him and Laura. The more he thought about it, the more he knew that Laura was hiding something, and it had to be something big.

“If you keep thinking all hard like that, your head is going to explode. Don’t force or rush it. If we get here and he doesn’t want to acknowledge his daughter or her mama, let his ass have it. We’re not here to put together a family reunion. Answers are the only goal we have for this visit. I know you’re gonna try to get him to come back and shit, but just don’t lead with that. Feel his ass out first,” Uncle Jimmy said.

“I get what you’re saying, but she’s gonna need him more than ever now. Her mom is really showing that she’s on some other shit. I should’ve punched her old ass in the face at the hospital that night. She’s only called Law once since she’s gotten out of the hospital. Her brothers have checked on her more times than I can count. I don’t understand that shit at all, man,” Murder said, shaking his head.

“If anybody’s gonna hit her, I’ll get Ella to do it. You don’t need to be putting your hands on her mother. That’s still her mother, and you never know. She may end up forgiving her due to the fact that she is her mother. I can guarantee you that if you put your hands on her, she will always look at you sideways. I know you want to help, but just chill and let them work out their own shit. When somebody threatens her, that’s when you step in,” Uncle Jimmy schooled him.

As they stepped on the plane, Murder knew that he would have to hold his anger and trigger finger in check.


After the plane ride, they made the drive to the house they believed to be the residence of the man they knew to be Lawrynn’s dad. The house wasn’t too fancy, but they knew it wasn’t cheap either. There was a Cadillac in the driveway that screamed old ass playa. Murder looked at his uncle, then they both looked at the car and started laughing. As they stepped on the porch, the front door opened. There was an older black man standing in the doorway with a nine-millimeter in his right hand.