“I don’t know what the fuck is up with females in your family, but you gonna fuck around and have all your OG’s missing,” Murder told Lawrynn.

“What happened now? You know I haven’t talked to my mom in a few days. She’s still upset about you pulling a gun on her and calling her all types of bitches,” Lawrynn told him.

“Okay, and what is that supposed to mean to me? I still have a problem with how she’s coming to bat for Nikki and not you. Everybody should know by now that you’re not to be fucked with. That goes for family too. I know you didn’t think she was gonna get a pass because she’s your mom. No fucks given at all. She should be at that hoe’s head just like everybody else. I still say it has to be a reason that she’s all team Nikki. She better be across town when I find out what her real reason is,” Murder said.

Murder and Lawrynn were sitting on the couch in the living room. She had her legs across his lap while he watched a college football game. Lawrynn was still wearing the glasses the doctor had given her. With the drops that the doctor had given Murder to put in her eyes, she could now make out the shape of things better. Of course, he had her wearing the glasses just as the doctor told them. Lawrynn was anxious to get them off more and more each day.

Lawrynn never thought that Murder would be as attentive to her as he had been throughout this entire ordeal. Whenever she was up, he was there with her. She knew about him leaving the house when he thought she was sleeping, but she figured that he needed to handle things, so she never let on that she was awake most of the time. As the days went by, she began to wonder about the reason behind her mother’s actions. She felt the same way Murder did; there was something going on that she didn’t know about.

“Are you good over there? Do you need anything?” Murder asked her.

He could tell by the shifting in her body and the steadiness of her head facing out the window that she was thinking about something.

“You can’t know everything that I’m thinking Maurice,” she said with a smile.

“Oh shit, I’m Maurice now,” he said.

“Somethings off, and I was just trying to figure out what it was. Think about it. Where is my Auntie Letitica? Her daughter is going through hell mentally and physically, and she’s a fucking no show. I know she knows what’s going on. From what I understand, Nikki hasn’t even asked about her mother this whole time,” she said, revealing her thoughts to him.

“You can’t worry about that now. We can’t have you getting all stressed out and stopping your progress. The truth will fall in your lap when it’s supposed to and not before. Just worry about getting your sight back fully so you can watch this dick slide in and out of you,” he said with a smile.

“Nasty ass,” she said and hit him in the arm.

“You know I haven’t been inside you since before all this bullshit happened. I’m definitely knocking you up with triplets when I do get inside you. I need you like a crackhead needs a hit right now but making sure you’re okay is more important. Besides, I’ve got the rest of our days on earth to fuck the shit out of you,” he told her.

Lawrynn laughed at him. Seeing her smile was all Murder wanted to do every day. She was showing him just how strong she was every day. He knew some females who would get in an argument with their families or boyfriend, and they would cry all damn day behind it. Lawrynn would get upset sometimes and withdraw from him, but she never let what happened to her stop her from living.

Lawrynn had been on Murder’s radar for a while, but he never really understood the connection they had. Sitting there with her thinking about all that she’s been through, he decided that the connection with them was simple to explain. They were meant to be. He had asked Pain to be his best man at his wedding just to see what he would say. Yes, he had thought about marrying Lawrynn, but deep down, he just thought that they would eventually do it. At that moment, he knew that eventually was gonna come sooner than later.

Later that night, he waited for Lawrynn to go to bed before he left to take his nightly ride. Being with Lawrynn all day, he used this time to make phones calls and handle his business. Tonight, he was pulling up to Ms. Ella’s house. He had texted his uncle earlier to let him know that he was coming over later. Pulling up, he saw Uncle Jimmy on the porch smoking a blunt. He shook his head because no matter how old Uncle Jimmy got, he was always gonna keep two rolled bunts on him at all times.

“What’s going on, nephew? When you texted me, I made a few calls. I have the boys on standby just in case we need to ride out,” he said to Murder as he approached the porch.

“It’s nothing like that, Unc. You need to slow down. How are you gonna ride out with an AARP card in your pocket?” Murder asked and laughed.

“Don’t let the age fool you. Is Lawrynn okay?” Uncle Jimmy asked.

“Yeah, she’s good. Her sight isn’t as blurry anymore, so she should be good in a couple of weeks,” Murder answered.

“Okay, so why am I sitting on the porch with you when I could be laying up under your auntie?” he asked.

Uncle Jimmy loved his nephew dearly but laying up under Ms. Ella every night came to a close second to that love.

“Law Baby’s family is on her mind heavy, and I don’t like the shit. She’s wondering about her mom’s actions and where her auntie is. I don’t want any of that to stop her from getting better. I want to just say fuck her family, but I don’t want to sound like too much of an asshole. I got a feeling that there’s something going on in her family that she doesn’t know about. I don’t know how much more drama she can take,” he told his uncle.

“You have to let her figure things out on her own when it comes to her family. I get that you love her, and you want to protect her, but you have to let this run its course. Just be there for her like you’ve been doing. You can’t pull a gun on the whole family,” Uncle Jimmy told him.

Murder shook his head because he thought that Uncle Jimmy was gonna let him make it with that one. He hadn’t said anything in all this time, so why was he even mentioning it now?

“That was a heat of the moment type of thing. She knows she’s dead wrong for being on that hoe’s side after what she did,” Murder said.

Just thinking about Lawrynn?

??s own mother trying to be there for Nikki pissed him off even more.

“What are you gonna do when the holidays come around and they all get drunk and start talking shit to each other? How about when one of them dies and shit goes left like it usually does in families? Your gun isn’t always the answer. Remember that,” Uncle Jimmy said.

“You not gonna ask me if I want to hit the blunt?” Murder asked.