“Damn near dead. She needs to learn to stay the fuck away from what belongs to me,” he said.

“Cool. Go ’head and leave. We got this,” Antoinette told Allen.

Allen left the apartment and headed for the hospital, hoping that Nell’s mother wasn’t there. He hadn’t seen here since Nell put her out of the room, but he knew she would be back. Knowing that he would have to at least speak to her without using colorful words was what he wasn’t in the head space for right now. He pulled into the gas station to get gas and something to drink before going to sit with Nell for the rest of the day. The hour and a half he had been away from her felt too long to him. He was relieved that Nell didn’t blame him for what happened.

“Shouldn’t you be at the hospital with my daughter since your side bitch put her there?” Allen h

eard from behind him.

He shook his head but remained quiet.

“I need a fill up on pump ten and this drink right here,” Allen said.

“You must’ve ran all your gas out riding that bitch around while my daughter’s in the hospital,” La-La said loud enough for everyone in the store to hear.

The guy at the register looked like he had some questions for Allen. Allen just shook his head and walked out of the store. Just like he thought, she came behind him, still going off at the mouth.

La-La didn’t like the fact that Allen was ignoring her. She needed him to say something to her. Being that he hung with Murder, she figured he would eventually cuss her out like Murder had done her sister. When he did, she was going to record his words just to let Nell hear it herself. Nell would never stay with a man who disrespected her mother regardless of the situation. Allen being quiet wasn’t helping right now.

She needed Nell to be single, so she could call on her for money or whatever else she needed. If her and Allen got serious, that would hinder how much she could count on Nell to pay some of her bills and pay for her trips.

La-La walked up on Allen while he was pumping his gas. “You can’t ignore me much longer. I’ll never accept you into my family, nigga,” she said.

Allen stayed silent. When it was time for him to put up the pump, he was sure to get gasoline on La-La.

“Motherfucker, you did that on purpose!” she yelled.

“Why are you all in my space, sir/ma’am?” Allen said.

“Sir/ma’am, what the fuck is that? Oh, you trying to be funny. It ain’t gonna be funny when I tell my daughter you tried to kill me,” she told him. “He’s trying to kill me,” she started yelling.

Allen pulled out his phone to call Nell. He needed to hear her voice, so he wouldn’t choke her mom to death.

“Hey, look, I love you more than I ever thought I would love a woman that I don’t share the same blood with, but ya mom wants me to kill her ass. She’s all up here at the gas station talking that stupid shit. I sprayed her ass with the gas, and now she telling folks I’m trying to kill her. What the fuck is up with ya momma?” he asked her.

“I don’t know what’s goin’ on with her. Just get up here so I can see you and know that you’re alright,” Nell told him.

“Well, since the fucking jakes just pulled up, if I’m not there within the hour, tell Murder or Pain to come bail my ass out. I love you, Lanelle,” he told her then ended the call before she could say anything.

“Sir, we received a complaint that you tried to kill the lady over there. Can you tell us what’s going on?” the officer asked.

“The bitch is crazy as fuck. She’s my girl’s mom. My girl got into it with one of my exes, and she’s been fucking with me ever since. I didn’t say much of nothing to her ass. She’s got gas all on her because she was standing too fucking close to me. I know they got a camera around here that will show I ain’t do shit to her ass,” Allen calmly said.

“I’m gonna go in and see if we can view the tape. Please don’t go anywhere,” the officer said.

Allen sat on the hood of his car while the officer went inside the store. He texted Nell to let her know he was okay and Murder to let him know what was going on.

The police came out and headed straight for Allen.

“Sir, we saw everything on the tape. We just want to know if you would like to press charges on the lady for harassment? I also want to commend you for keeping your cool. I know some people who have shot females for less,” the officer said.

“Nah, let her make it, but let her know she needs to tread lightly,” he told them.

“Well, we’re gonna file a report so you will have some documentation to fall back on if she doesn’t stop,” the officer told him.

Allen shook both of their hands and got in the car. He was sure to ride past La-La and toss her a head nod, though.

Chapter Six