He glanced at Jade through the corner of his eye, trying his best to turn his mind to other topics. To better, more hopeful things.

Like, for example, what he'd do when he finally had definitive proof that Zac was behind this whole ordeal.

He had to admit there was some foundation behind Jade's doubts. After all, only an idiot would come into a unit and start causing mayhem within the first week. But then, in that same token, wouldn’t the farfetched nature of it made it that much more likely?

If all signs pointed to the butler doing something, wasn't it still most likely that the butler did it?

He didn't know what to think anymore. All he knew was that he could feel the fury rolling off of Jade in huge, sweeping waves, and if he didn't act soon, she would likely implode.

"We need to get you some Kevlar. At the very least," he offered and then pulled into the front row of parking in the station and raised the emergency brake.

"Oh please. You only just came up with that. You're trying to keep me in your sight."

"Jade, please—"

"Which is strange. Maybe you just think I'd run away with Zac if given the chance and you're afraid I'll—"

He climbed from the car before she got the chance to finish and shoved his way through the wide, glass double doors and into the elevator. She was too quick for the automatic doors, though. Just as quickly she was sprinting along behind him, her blond hair flying out behind her as she rushed into the lift.

"Why don't you just say what this is really about? I thought you weren't the jealous type. I thought—"

"I'm not." He ground out. "I told you, this is about keeping you safe."

"No, it's about not trusting me. Or, apparently, not trusting my judgment. I'm telling you, I grew up with this guy, and he’s not—"

There was a loud ding, and the doors slid open onto the practically empty office space. Here and there a few officers were huddled around desks, but for the most part the place was a ghost town. And in the very corner of the room, with a single light shining through the pane of the window, was the supervisor's office.

"I'm going in there with you," she said.

"It's your day off," he shot back. "Can you please go grab some Kevlar?"

Before he had the chance to argue with her any more, the wide oak door of the supervisor's office swung open and he stood in the doorway, his walrus mustache wilting as he surveyed the pair of them. "Good. It's both of you. I thought I heard your voices. Lockhart, Archer, I'd like a word."

He left the door ajar as he disappeared from the frame and Derrick grit his teeth as he strode toward what was quickly feeling more and more like his certain demise.

Jade followed behind him silently and when they were both inside the lush, dark office, she closed the door and stood at attention in front of Sanders' desk.

"Supervisor," she said. "I heard what happened and—"

"Yes. This breach is the biggest in the history of our unit." The older man folded his hands on the desk in front of him and glanced from Derrick and Jade with weary, watery eyes. "I must ask if either of you have been questioned by any of your fellow officers about the case."

"No," Derrick said at once, then glanced at Jade, waiting for her response. She glanced up at him with narrowed eyes and then gave a brusque shake of her head.

"Detective Flynn and I have discussed it. I've also discussed it with Freddricks."

"I see. And were either of these officers particularly interested in any details of the case?"

"Not to my knowledge," Jade answered.

The older man closed his eyes, then rubbed them with his thumb and forefinger. "You two must understand how suspicious this is. The electricity for the entire building was cut during the breech. We've no footage to lead us to suspects. As the two detectives working most closely on this case, it does look suspicious. Is there anything either of you wish to tell me?"

Derrick glanced down at Jade and when she gave the slightest shake of her head, he closed his eyes, let out one long breath, and said, "I have reason to believe detective Flynn was involved in tampering with the evidence."

Sanders perked up, though his face was just as stern as ever. "On what grounds?"

"He's the newest to this unit. He's been asking questions. We've been working on this case for two years, why would anyone choose to act now?"

"Why would he implicate himself?" Sanders shot back and Jade nodded silently alongside him.