And yet...

The Slippery Beaver loomed in front of her, the yellow glow of the sign illuminating the parking lot and making the building behind seem even seedier than it did by day. With a deep breath, she skirted around to the back of the building and went through the dancer’s entrance, ready to put her game face on.

When she got there, a gaggle of women were running around on high, pointed heels, refreshing their makeup and changing into and out of skimpy ensembles. Compared to everyone else, she looked like a nun in her tiny shorts and full corset.

"You must be the new girl," the raspy-voiced woman said so close to Jade's ear that she nearly jumped.

"Yeah, uh, that's me." She nodded, swallowing hard as she watched the other woman's beehive hairdo sway back and forth, like a wig that hadn't been properly secured.

"Right, well, Crystal is going to help you get changed. A few of our bigger patrons are out there tonight and they always like new faces, especially ones as pretty as yours." The woman pinched Jade's cheek. "Normally we've got the new girls waiting tables a while, but Mandy is out sick and we need someone to fill her slot. You're on in ten, so make sure you're warmed up."

Jade reeled for a moment, then

the words settled in. "On? But I..."

But she what? She was a cop? That wasn't exactly the deal, now was it?

"You're going to be great, darling, don't you worry." The old woman smiled not unkindly, then snapped her fingers and shouted, "Someone get Crystal over here!"

It didn't take long for Crystal to arrive, though she was clad in nothing but a very tiny thong and a smile that quickly vanished when she caught sight of Jade.

"Hey," Crystal said to her, then focused her attention on the older woman. "What's up, Ruth?"

"Um...I'm sorry sweetie, what's your name?" She touched Jade's shoulder.

"Daisy," Jade offered.

"Daisy here is filling in for Mandy in ten. Can you find her something to wear and make sure she's ready to go? You know, tell her Mandy's songs. I've got to dash." And just like that, the woman and her swaying beehive were moving through the crowd of girls, barking orders and stepping over discarded panties.

Crystal watched the other woman until she'd disappeared into the club, then turned on Jade with narrowed eyes, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just—"

"Don't you think I remember you?" she hissed, then grabbed Jade's arm and pulled her off into an uninhabited corner.

"Look, if you remember me, then you know what I'm doing here."

"You don't understand. You can't just—" Crystal tried, but Jade held up a hand.

"I'm a trained professional. I appreciate your concern, but—"

"You're going to get me killed. You're going to get yourself killed." Crystal hissed.

"Nobody will know it was you. Now come on, I've got ten minutes. Teach me everything you know about how to be a stripper."

* * *

Tonight was the first time Derrick'd ever been in a strip club, and so far he had to admit he was far from impressed.

He looked around at the rest of the tables in the VIP section, trying to spot the faces that were so familiar to him from every daily debriefing, but rather than the head honchos he could only spot the minor players—the guys lined up to take a fall when something went wrong. The guy who hadn't yet been made.

And besides them were the other usual suspects, bachelor parties and guys just out on their own for the night, lining up around the stage for a chance to look, but not touch.

On the stage, two girls were grinding against each other, pretending like they were going to kiss and then giggling coyly while dollars rained down on them from every direction. Derrick couldn't focus on them, though. Nor could he appreciate the barely-clad cocktail waitresses or even the moments when the mobsters seemed to be talking about something other than whether they could get the girls on stage to take off their clothes.

Instead, he was consumed by thoughts—and worries—of Jade.

The more time went by, the more he knew this wasn't right, that she shouldn't be here. He even had half a mind to blow their cover, walk back there, and take her home himself.